MOTHER ASKS ME HOW MUCH I PAY FOR RELATIONSHIPS AND I’LL MARRY! Miljana attended the celebration at Miki’s with Zola and presented PRIVACY


MOTHER ASKS ME HOW MUCH I PAY FOR RELATIONSHIPS AND I'LL MARRY!  Miljana attended the celebration at Miki's with Zola and presented PRIVACY

Photo: Printscreen / Premiere

Miljana Kulić came with her boyfriend Lazar Čolić Zola to celebrate the birth of Miki Đuričić’s son.

Very quickly, Miljana presented details of her private life.

photo: print / premiere screen

“I am very happy, I would be even happier if he settled down, but that is impossible. I would like them to live together and be the father of that child, the child needs both parents. Here, I regret that I always dreamed of being a woman of family”. , and that’s how it happened to me, “said Miljana, and Zola continued:

“That the children are born and that they are alive and healthy. Considering these days, I am very happy to be here and that Mickey invited us.”

“I am for children to be born in normal relationships, I would never do it again out of wedlock. If I made a mistake, not everyone has to follow my mistakes. I will not interfere in the choices of Željko, he can be with the greatest k, if he cute, I’m not going to interfere with that. Let him enjoy, I won’t blame myself again, “Miljana interrupted.

photo: print / premiere screen

Singer Nemanja Nikolić said he was waiting for Miljana’s arrival and she said:

“Nemanja and I had a turbulent relationship. I didn’t like anyone except two singers, and people made a fuss. As for Nemanja, I called him about another singer. We had a lot of discussions, I think he’s afraid of me, that he doesn’t love me. , and that he did not respect me when my son was born … I always share music, no matter who sings it. “

photo: print / premiere screen

Kulic does not speak to his mother Marija out of reconciliation with Zola.

“I don’t talk to my mom, I call the nursery. She asks me how much I pay for my relationship with Zola, she doesn’t know the background of everything. When Zola and I fight, I’m ready for anything, so I become a notorious liar. Everything was in affection and fighting, and in fact it is not like that, I know that my mother loves me more in the world, but I don’t know what I’m going to do, she is very angry and talks about everything, I would not like to argue with my mother because I’ve always condemned it, I wouldn’t want to be a copy of those from Cooperative 3 … Željko is without me for 7 days and I see him every day on video. I don’t even talk to my dad, “said Miljana Kulić in” Premiere “.

photo: print / premiere screen

Miljana was asked why she did not marry Zola, and she said:

“Who says I won’t? I’m getting married!”Đ, Photo: Printscreen / Premiere

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Author: delivery courier
