More than 100 patients are connected to respirators, Belgrade hospitals are full, patients are being sent to other cities!


The number of patients on the ventilator jumped to no avail, so that terrifying number was as high as 106 yesterday! Another 2,112 new infections were confirmed, out of a total of 8,299 tested in 24 hours, and 10 people died. Belgrade hospitals are full, so patients are sent to Smederevo, Mladenovac and Pozarevac.

photo: Ana Paunković

In just 24 hours, 1,057 new cases were registered in the capital and up to 2,560 examinations were carried out in the Kovid dispensaries, of which 1,530 were the first. Due to the dramatic situation, there will be stricter measures on the table in the coming days, to be discussed by the crisis headquarters earlier this week.

There are already 2,549 patients in Serbian hospitals, and a total of 890 people have died so far.

– The local crisis headquarters can make individual decisions, but the city of Belgrade, given its size, makes these decisions together with the crisis headquarters of the republic. A new crisis staff session is scheduled for the beginning of the week and we will take certain actions according to the situation. One suggestion is to reduce the volume of the music in catering facilities, because it encourages guests to speak loudly and thus increases the spread of infection, says Dr. Radojicic. Another measure that could be proposed again, and that everyone is trying to avoid, is undoubtedly shortening the working hours of cafes and other catering services.

photo: Ana Paunković

Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar said that the epidemiological situation in Belgrade is convincingly the worst and that it is time for citizens to show solidarity to stop the growth in the number of infected people.

– I asked the citizens not to make any contact that they did not have to do to try to stop this growth trend. We have to comply with that for ten days, not go to risky meetings. Is it a problem that you don’t go to concerts, parties for ten days? Asked the minister.

The director of the Serbian Clinical Center, Dr. Milika Ashanin, says that the situation regarding kovid 19 is very unfavorable and extremely unstable, and that up to ninety percent of the capacity in the KCS Infectious Disease Clinic is full.

– Hospital capacities are overcrowded, 395 patients are housed in Zvezdara hospital, “Dr. Dragiša Mišović” hospital houses 331 patients. There are 86 patients in the KCS Infectious Disease Clinic, of which seven are on a ventilator – Dr. Ashanin points out, adding that other KCS clinics will not become a hospital, because they have to treat a large number of patients suffering from other diseases.

Goran Vesić

Don’t scare people

– Any measure that is adopted must be in the interest of public health, but also of the economy, because we must not allow the economy to stop again. My message to other politicians is not to scare people, but to focus on implementing existing measures and learning to live with the crown, until a vaccine is found – said the Deputy Mayor of Belgrade, Goran Vesić, on the program “Usijanje “from TV Kurir.

He recalled that 40,000 people work in catering in Belgrade and that if this branch does not work, many families will be left without a source of income.

– The catering facilities will continue to operate until 11 at night, with the prescribed measures for a person to walk in four square meters, with a distance of one and a half meters – said Vesić, who emphasized that only one or two percent of the catering companies do not respect the measures.

Number of patients in kovid hospitals in Belgrade

KBC Zvezdara 395

KBC “Dr Dragisa Misovic” 331

KCS 86 Infectious Disease Clinic

Arena 360

KBC Bežanijska kosa 300

KBC Zemun 400 capacity, unknown number

Photo / Source: Ana Paunković / Kristina Vasković

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