Montenegrin diplomat criticizes Varhelji’s statements on the ambassador’s expulsion


Montenegro’s ambassador to the Vatican, former Montenegrin Foreign Minister Miodrag Vlahovic, criticized EU Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelji on Sunday night, saying he was “deeply compromising and undermining” the seriousness and objectivity of politics with his statements on the mutual expulsions of ambassadors between Montenegro and Serbia. EU towards the Western Balkans.

“Mr. Varhelji, with all due respect, your brazen statement compromises and profoundly undermines the alleged seriousness and objectivity of the EU’s policy in the Western Balkans,” Vlahovic wrote on Twitter, commenting on Oliver Varheji’s earlier tweet.

He assessed that Varhelji was “uninformed” or that his position was the result of interests that were contrary to basic European values ​​and principles.

Oliver Varhelji previously welcomed on Twitter the decision of the Government of Serbia to withdraw the decision to expel the Montenegrin ambassador from Serbia and called on Montenegro to do the same.

“Respect for good neighborly relations and regional cooperation are the basis of the foundations of the EU’s enlargement and association and the stabilization process,” Varhelji wrote.

On Saturday, the Montenegrin Ministry of Foreign Affairs made the decision to declare the Ambassador of Serbia in Podgorica, Vladimir Božović, persona non grata.

Before the expulsion decision, the Ministry warned Bozovic on several occasions to behave in an undiplomatic manner and to make statements that encroach on the internal affairs of Montenegro and to make biased judgments on sensitive historical issues.

That same night, Serbia made the decision to deny the Montenegrin Ambassador, Tarzan Milosevic, hospitality as a sign of reciprocity. The Serbian government withdrew that decision tonight.
