
Photo: Ministry of Defense of Serbia
The ALAS system (Advanced Light Attack Missile System) is a modern tactical-level light missile system, mainly intended for fighting tanks and other armored vehicles, as well as for the neutralization of command posts, communication centers, bunkers, facilities reinforced and light combat craft.

In the standard configuration, the batteries of the ALAS missile system consist of a battery command post, a logistics vehicle and four launchers. Using its own radar and optoelectronic system, the battery command post detects, recognizes targets and determines their coordinates. The battery commander assigns targets to each launcher individually.

There are six rocket containers in each launcher. The containers allow the rocket to be stored for 10 years without maintenance. There is a ground control station on the launcher through which the operator controls the launcher, tests containers and missiles, transmits data from the target to the missile, launches the selected missile, and in the final phase of the flight “locks” GSN to the selected target. .

The ALAS rocket has a modern aerodynamic configuration. It is powered by a solid rocket fuel starter and a turbojet engine. The maximum range of the rocket is 25 kilometers. The modern concept of interference resistant guide has been applied.

In the initial and middle phase of the flight, inertial navigation was applied, which brings the missile to the target area, where the target detection and recognition process begins with the help of a television or thermal self-guidance head (GSN). For this purpose, the image of the GSN is transmitted via an optical cable or radio link to the launch vehicle where the operator selects the target, after which the rocket enters the final auto-guidance mode. This type of guidance system with a loop operator allows high efficiency with minimal chance of “collateral damage”. Currently, for the equipment needs of the Serbian army, internal tests are being carried out on the integration of the container with the ALAS rocket and the mechanical and electrical interface associated with the Modular Fire platform. To do this, several experiments were conducted with the successful launch of a rocket.

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Author: delivery courier