MINIMUM INCREASE TO SIX PERCENT: Government makes proposal, employers support


Representatives of the Employers’ Union are ready to commit to the issue of the minimum in 2021, but so that this growth does not endanger the business of companies in Serbia.

Nebojsa Atanackovic, honorary president of the Union, says that such a proposal from the State fully agrees with what they also proposed, taking into account that the real situation in which the economy finds itself must be considered and that, on the other hand, it must be improved the material situation of the workers. .

– We are satisfied with the attitude of the Ministry of Finance, which has shown stability, it is important that the increase is not above what the economy can handle at this time. The four to six percent range is optimism and it will be nice to be in a position to raise wages that much, Atanackovic said.

A 20 per cent increase, proposed by the unions, which is 37,000 dinars, is unacceptable to employers.

For Duško Vuković of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions, the Government’s proposal is unacceptable.

“Such an increase would continue to replicate the cheap labor policy,” Vukovic said.

It points out that the agreement of the social actors of three years ago to equal the minimum price of work with the minimum consumption basket in 2021 has not been respected.

– Now it seems an unattainable dream and we do not see any indication that it will happen in the next four years, and with this proposal we are 6,000 to 7,000 below the minimum consumption basket which amounts to 37,500 dinars – says Vukovic.

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