“Milos” passed all the PHOTO tests


Belgrade – Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin visited the last phase of the interrogation before the introduction of the Milos 4×4 multipurpose armored fighting vehicle.

Source: B92

Photo: Ministry of Defense

Photo: Ministry of Defense

Minister Vulin noted that the latest tests have been completed and we can say that the “Milos” armored fighting vehicle has passed all tests.

“Our army will be strengthened with another tool that we produce ourselves, that we design and manufacture ourselves and that we will make available to our army. The Serbian army is equipping itself, the Serbian army is arming itself, and by the end of the year we can expect more. good news and more new complex combat systems that will become part of our army and strengthen it ”, said Minister Vulin at the training ground of the Weapons and Military Equipment Test Center“ Nikinci ”.

Photo: Ministry of Defense

Photo: Ministry of Defense

A member of the 72nd Special Operations Brigade pointed out that the test of the “Milos” vehicle was carried out in the training grounds of the “Nikinci” Weapons and Military Equipment Test Center, at various work points, including the test of the loading and unloading part for humanity.

“The experiences are positive and we are happy that such a vehicle is part of the 72nd Special Operations Brigade. The impressions are very positive, the vehicle is exceptional ”, he said, adding that members of that unit participated in the polls of the motor-technical part, where the drivers verified the use of vehicles in the field and the shooters fired shots to verify the devices of aim.

Photo: Ministry of Defense

Photo: Ministry of Defense

As part of the examination, a simulation of the encounter of an armored fighting vehicle “Milos” on a mine explosive device was presented, which allowed to see the consequences of the explosion on the crew inside the vehicle.

The “Milos” vehicle, whose vehicle is the development and production of PE Jugoimport – SDPR, can be used for patrolling and reconnaissance, as a command or medical vehicle, then for anti-guerrilla, anti-terrorist and anti-tank combat, border and territory control and for transport and support units. special operations.

Photo: Ministry of Defense

Photo: Ministry of Defense
