“Milo knew that NATO would bomb us”



16.10.2020. 22:05

The current president of Montenegro, Milo Đukanović, knew six months before the start of the NATO aggression that Serbia would be bombed, lawyer Tom Fila revealed.

Milo Đukanović

Milo Đukanović, Photo: Illustration

It says this information came to light during the trial of the Kosovo and Metohija Albanian terrorists.

– There was a trial of a group from Kosovo, then during the trial, several hidden documents began to come out. Those documents that they showed us were documents that we saw for the first time in our lives and heard about them. There, the judge realized that the accusation according to which we ruined Rambouillet was unfounded and that in October 1998 the order was given to wait for an occasion and for Serbia to be bombed without further history. Then they passed the ACT OF ORDER and Solana has been waiting since October 1998 for just one reason to bomb. Then the rush began to look for the motive for the bombing, they tried it in Peja with a family, who later determined that the motive was not political at all and that they were killed by Albanians – says Fila.

He says that everything that happened after that, including Rambouillet himself, was a sheer sham.

– When we looked at everything, what were the letters, we determined that in 1998, it was ordered to bomb Serbia, no matter what was done, all of Rambouillet was a sham, and I hear various politicians who say: “If we had accepted Rambouillet, it would have been different”. We saw correspondence between General Clark, who bombed us, and Walker, who even claimed that the KLA was also committing crimes. In the correspondence, Clark warns Walker not to talk about it, he tells him: “You know what we are preparing for them in the spring, if we say that the KLA is committing crimes, it does not work and stop talking about it,” he apologizes. and says he won’t do it again.

The dean of law says Milo Đukanović was in a constant relationship with William Walker.

From the correspondence between Milo Đukanović and Walker and the Americans, it can be seen that Milo was briefed in October 1998. Milo asks: “Does he stay as agreed?” We proved to Hill that he was there on behalf of the United States, and from the testimonies of the witnesses who were heard, it turned out that they decided to bomb Serbia and Montenegro at any cost, especially Serbia, Montenegro and no, and that he would establish all possible conditions . , only for Serbia not to accept them. One of the two additional conditions was for NATO to enter the entire territory of Serbia, use our resources for free and arrest the court whenever it wanted, without answering anyone for its actions, which clearly shows that the objective was to establish a referendum. and that Albanians outnumber Serbs in votes – Phil concluded.

In the end, the fact remains: “Milo knew that the attack was being prepared and kept silent, he did not inform the others that everything was a sham in Rambouillet.”
