Milivojevic: Vucic in Washington asked Israel to recognize Kosovo


Political scientist Cvijetin Milivojevic told Beta that “something bad has just happened” in Serbian politics, referring to last week’s meeting in Washington. There, as he said, “Serbia itself, that is, its president Aleksandar Vučić, who declared himself a negotiator, without a mandate from anyone, asked Israel to recognize Kosovo, despite the fact that that country has refused to do so for 12 years. “.

As he said, at the same time, Vučić received “an order to move the Embassy (of Serbia) to Jerusalem, which put a finger in the eye of the Islamic countries that have so far refused to recognize Kosovo.”

He added that Serbia was in a “masochistic position” with its actions from Washington, but also claimed that Vučić’s signature could not be defined as an obligation of Serbia from the point of view of international law, because it is not a contract or agreement.

In addition, Milivojevic said, “we no longer have not only the political, but also the moral right, to ask the three winning lists (in the Montenegrin elections) to withdraw the recognition of Kosovo because we ourselves have openly called on everyone to recognize to Kosovo “.

Montenegro will not seek the withdrawal of recognition of Kosovo

Milivojevic said that the representatives of the three winning lists in the Montenegrin elections “acted as responsible persons and sought the lowest common denominator” during today’s coalition agreement, in which they affirm that they will not call for the withdrawal of recognition of Kosovo. .

“It is logical, more normally, to form a coalition based on the smallest common content, the one that unites them, and not introduce points that separate them,” Milivojevic told Beta agency, stating that they are united by the fact that politics internal is in Montenegro.

As he explained, “they are united by the desire to leave the regime” of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS), to change the Law of Religious Freedom, to enter into the fight against crime and corruption.

According to his assessment, they would be separated by the point of “recognizing” Kosovo or, as part of the pro-Serb bloc parties probably wanted to initiate the exit procedure from NATO.

“Considering that they defined themselves as a transitional government, it is logical that they will not open this issue for two years, as long as it is likely that they will do a mandate,” Milivojevic said.

Speaking about what is important from Serbia’s point of view, Milivojevic stated that the future government of Montenegro will not follow a “hostile policy towards Serbia”.

“I think that’s enough,” Milivojevic said, adding that the DPS not only recognized Kosovo, but also pushed for its admission to UNESCO and INTERPOL.
