Three seven-frame automatic rifles were discovered and seized, then 11 pistols, three rifles, a carbine, a sniper rifle, a silencer, various types of ammunition, two optical carriers, and the optics itself …
The weapon was found in the house of I. Đ. (72) in the village of Debrc, near Vladimirac. During the search of the apartment and other premises, long and short pipes and other equipment were discovered. I. Ђ. he was detained, and the Šabac High Court Preliminary Procedure Judge ordered his detention for a maximum of 30 days. He is accused of the crime of illicit manufacture, possession, carrying and trafficking of weapons and explosives.
– The suspect defended himself by keeping silent – Zoran Obradović, the chief prosecutor of Šabac, told “Novosti”.
– The police, in accordance with the orders and instructions of the VJT, continue their dedicated work in this case. The objective is to establish all the circumstances in which weapons and ammunition were found, in such quantities, at the suspect’s home. Every detail is important, so the work on that topic is complete. We will collect all the relevant information that will be solid evidence in court, but also to shed light on how everything happened in that Debrc resident’s home.

Photo: Printskrin
As we have learned unofficially, the police officers themselves were shocked when they arrived at the “Military Maidan” in Debrac. None of them knew that there were so many weapons hidden in this old man’s house.
– The very structure of the seized, from various types of weapons to various types of ammunition, simply requires a thorough investigation and analysis, because they are serious things that must, in a literal sense, be completely resolved – believe those inside. – Someone left those weapons there and probably took them when they needed them.
Long and short tubes were taken to an expert to determine if they were used in some crimes and, if so, which ones. In particular, they are investigating whether they have anything to do with any of the liquidations committed in the region.
In the village, no one suspected what was in the house of the arrested resident, otherwise a pensioner. Perhaps, possibly, only some of his closest ones knew it, but even that, our interlocutors affirm, “with a small probability”.
– He did not show that he was hiding so many weapons, ammunition and even silencers, that he does not suspect good intentions – say our interlocutors. – Your defense, by keeping silent, casts even more doubts on all this.

EVIDENCE Automatic rifles, pistols, ammunition, sniper rifle …, Photo: Printskrin have been found
The investigation is also verifying the operational data that the criminal group of Veljko Belivuk and Marko Miljković Maret could be related in some way to this arsenal. According to previous information, they had several weekend houses in this area, where they hid, but they also fired weapons.
– Video recordings available for investigation show that Belviuk, Miljković and their closest collaborators often stayed in these parts – says our interlocutor.
– In the Loznica area they had their hiding places, but also people who distributed narcotics. All information is being collected to reveal if they have anything to do with me. Đ., Where was this weapon found.
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