Miletic: The Law of same-sex couples solves situations in people’s lives


Goran Miletić from the organization “Defenders of Civil Rights” declared live in Dan that the passage of the law on same-sex couples would solve some situations in the life of people of the same sex living in a marital union. He noted that its adoption would not bring anything great or intimidating, but would only help the aforementioned individuals realize the rights that people found in heterosexual communities have.

It should be recalled that the Minister for Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue, Gordana Čomić, announced that the laws on gender equality and same-sex couples will be prepared at the end of the year.

“This does not surprise me, since we have been talking about this law for 15 years. Many quasi-arguments used against this law have worn out and citizens are bored when they hear that it goes against tradition. It is a subject that has been ‘chewed’ many times. , and now the time has come to give the right to some of our citizens to live in the community, “said Miletić.

He states that it remains to be seen if the ad itself will translate into the second and third steps.

“The second step is to draft the text of the law, while the third must be adopted by the Serbian government and parliament,” he explains.

It points out that this law is part of the Strategy to combat discrimination, which was adopted by the Government of Serbia and which expired in 2017. As it points out, the Strategy is no longer valid and a new one has not been adopted.

“This law will establish some facts of life. When two people of the same sex decide to live together for a longer period of time, there are many life situations. Hospitals and a lot of other situations that can happen, which are guaranteed for people they are in a heterosexual community, ”explains Miletic.

In the current situation, he says, to people who are of the same sex and who have lived together for 30 years, none of that is guaranteed.

“Especially painful are the situations where people acquire property for the rest of their lives and cannot inherit it from each other in any way. And those are situations that must be resolved,” says Miletic.

“There is nothing new here and there is nothing that citizens who are in heterosexual communities do not use anymore. It will be regulated in exactly the same way,” Miletic emphasizes.

Speaking on the subject of childhood and if the proposed law will define it, he replied that according to his information, that subject will probably not be regulated in this legal solution.

Commenting on the reactions of society and politicians to this law, Miletic states that “some politicians believe that they can get conservative votes on this and intimidate people as if something great and great will happen when this law is passed.”

“We had that situation 11 years ago, and then the church and religious communities made a scandal and ‘pressured’ the president and prime minister to repeal the law,” Miletic recalled.
