Milan is looking for a woman to live in the countryside, its ad breaks hearts (KURIR TELEVIZIJA)


There are many single men in the Serbian villages, who, although they are 30, 40 and even 60, are left alone. Milan Tomic (43) from the village of Gojna Gora is one of them. What sets him apart from other singles is his decision to try and reach a woman with the help of technology. That is, he posted an ad on Facebook to finally settle down alongside the chosen future.

“A sad, lonely child, eager for sincere love, family warmth, eager for laughter and baby crying, but I cannot have a baby without a sincere soul mate, if there is such a soul mate, a girl or a young woman lonely, who wants life in the country and who loves children, let’s create them together, let me know ”, wrote in the announcement of Milan Tomić from the municipality of Gornji Milanovac.

Soon, as I was praising the “Pulse of Serbia” team, messages started pouring in and our bachelor of about a hundred bridesmaids stayed in touch with both of them.

“I received a couple of honest women, and maybe 99 percent dishonest. Maybe I got a call, I know, like a hundred of them, but also married, the ones who gave me support, thank you for that,” Milan announced.

However, as he emphasizes, he is still looking for a soulmate.

“I do not choose, I just want honesty. I want that. We must meet for some interest that is carried in the heart, which is called love, which is called respect,” he explained why he strives in a future life together and promises that although the Life in the country is difficult, he has made something out of nothing, so the only thing left for his wife is to help with the orchards in addition to the housework.

And that Milan is really hard-working and rich, is best confirmed by the list of things he has earned in life.

“I have raspberries, about five hectares at the moment. I have tender plums here that I planted. I have a new house. I have sheep. But all is in vain, that a beautiful woman comes and has children,” our interlocutor waits.

Until then, the Milan competition for the marriage remains open.


Photo: print screen

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Author: delivery courier
