Marko Đurić was appointed ambassador to the US And you didn’t know these little things about him.


In today’s session of the Government of Serbia, Marko Đurić (37) was appointed Ambassador of Serbia to the United States of America.

At the same session, Đurić was removed from the post of Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija.

He has been in that position since May 2014.

Đurić was transferred to the Office for Kosovo and Metohija in the period 2012-2014. He worked as an advisor to the President of the Republic of Serbia for foreign affairs.

In September 2020, he was a member of the Serbian state delegation to the Belgrade-Pristina negotiations in Washington. Together with President Aleksandar Vučić, he attended the first bilateral meeting between the leaders of Serbia and the United States at the White House in two decades.

Besides English, he also speaks Hebrew and speaks French and Russian. He is Jewish because of his mother, so it will be easy for him to establish good contacts with the Jewish community in America.

Đurić has a law degree and since 2011 has been an associate at the Institute for Political Studies in Belgrade. He was a member of the Serbian Parliament from June to October 2020.

He is the creator of the idea with Ambassador Aleksandar Ristic “Ramonda de Natalija”, which is the official symbol of the victory of Serbia in the First World War.

He is married to Andrijana Đurić and is the father of three daughters.


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