
Zoran Marjanović knowingly turned off the phone in the period between 4:38 PM and 5:40 PM, at the time his wife Jelena was killed on April 2, 2016 in Borča, telecommunications expert Dragoljub Vasiljević said in today’s testimony before the High Court of Belgrade.

Based on base stations and security camera footage, the expert was tasked with determining where Zoran Marjanovic was during the murder of his wife.

Expert examinations of Jelena and Zoran Marjanović’s phone showed that the two met on the fateful day she was murdered between 4:57 PM and 5:47 PM. Zoran Marjanović’s phone was turned off at the time, from 4:38 p.m. to 4:40 p.m., the analysis concluded.

Trial at the Palace of JusticePhoto: Aleksandar Slavković / RAS Serbia

Trial at the Palace of Justice

The expert explained that Jelena’s phone was on all the time so her movements could be monitored non-stop, while with Zoran’s it was not possible.

The expert also claimed that Zoran called his wife Jelena five times when he turned the phone back on. He made the first call to his wife at 5:04 pm, when the base station registers the defendant’s phone signal again.

– The second call to Jelena was from the second base station, and the third is logged at 17:09. After that, there were two more calls directed to Jelena at 5:11 PM and 5:13 PM ?? – said the expert.

Then, at 5:13 pm, he called his brother Miloš, who did not respond to that call. And his phone was off or in “airplane mode”.

Zoran Marjanovic’s defense tried to refute the expert’s claim with a series of questions.

The multi-hour trial is still ongoing, and after the break, attorney Milan Zaric will continue with questions for the expert.

The judge warned Zoran Marjanović’s defense several times because she was not disciplined and interrupted the expert.

The prosecution accuses Zoran Marjanović of having killed his wife Jelena on the Borča embankment on April 2, 2016, while their minor daughter was in the immediate vicinity of the crime scene, and reached the Crvenka embankment in Borča with them that afternoon.

In the spring, the court returned full custody of the child to Marjanović, who was taken from him after the death of his wife.

He has been defending himself since June 12, 2018, since the Court of Appeals lifted his detention that day, in which he spent 10 months. He was arrested on September 15, 2017, a year and a half since the murder. He had been detained before that, but after being questioned by the police and on a polygraph, he was released for lack of evidence.

Before his arrest, he spoke about the murder in the media on several occasions and participated in a reality television show.

The murder of Jelena Marjanović is the most followed case of the black chronicle in Serbia for four and a half years.
