Marinika Tepić tried to hand over the contract between Telekom and Žeželj to the prosecutor Dolovac


The Vice President of the Freedom and Justice Party, Marinika Tepic, said that she tried to hand over the contract between Telekom Srbija and the owner of the tabloid “Kurir” Igor Zezelj to the prosecutor of the republic Zagorka Dolovac, but that the prosecutor refused to take over and read the disputed contract.

The € 37.9 million contract, assessed as corrupt and fictitious, and for which the state Telecom allowed Žeželj to buy “Kurir”, was assessed not only as economically damaging to the citizens of Serbia, but also as a model by which the regime influences informing the citizens, glorifying the ruling party and the brothers, and demonizing all public criticism, keeping Serbia in the dark of the media, “Tepić said.

He noted that prosecutor Dolovac refused to take a copy of that contract, saying it would not interfere with politics.

“On my observation that there is no other way for citizens, on whose behalf she must act, to reach her, to try to find her for days with a contract in her purse, which I have tried for months before, I even gave her all the documents and I brought the evidence in the Krušik affair and the arms trade to the Public Prosecutor’s Office, but I never received an answer, so I suspected that he had disappeared and reported his disappearance to Interpol. Dolovac only replied that he would not answer me again, that he did not see no reason to explain anything and work only in accordance with the law and the Constitution, ”explained Tepic.

He pointed out that he asked the prosecutor, who ignores reality and remains silent despite the evidence in public, why he does it, that is, “if fear of the authorities is the reason and if he is protecting corruption under the pretext of non-interference, “the statement said.
