24.12.2020. 07:55
Anxious for loneliness, Danilo left the monastery and retired to an abandoned temple of idolaters on the shores of the Black Sea.

Danilo Stolpnik, Photo: screen print / youtube
Today, the Serbian Orthodox Church and the faithful celebrate Saint Daniel the Stylite.
. He healed the sick, sent the disciples to Christianity, and foresaw future events.
Do you celebrate this glory?
He was born in 409 in the village of Vitari near the town of Samosata in Mesopotamia to Christian parents, Elijah and Martha.
Her mother was unable to give birth for a long time and through tears she prayed to God to give her a son. Danilo was the only son, dedicated to God from the earliest childhood.
At the age of twelve he received the monastic rank, when he visited Simeon the Stylite, who blessed him.
Anxious for loneliness, Danilo left the monastery and retired to an abandoned temple of idolaters on the shores of the Black Sea.
There he was attacked by demons many times, but he defeated them all with patience, prayer, and the sign of the cross.
After that, he climbed the pillar, where he remained until his death.
He suffered the heat and the cold alike and the attacks of humans and demons.
Many disciples gathered around his column and Danilo led them to eternal life with his example and words.
He received great grace from God as a reward and performed many useful miracles for people, and also prophesied future events.
People came under his pillar from all sides and asked the saint for help and advice. Emperors and patriarchs came to him, as well as ordinary people.
King Lion the Great brought his guests from other countries, princes and nobles, and showed them Saint Daniel on the pillar, telling them: “Here are the miracles in my kingdom.”
Saint Daniel prophesied the day of his death, taught his disciples as a father to children and said goodbye to them. Before his death, the disciples saw angels, prophets, apostles, and martyrs on the pillar.
Danilo Stolpnik lived for 80 years, died in 489.
Due to his exemplary and moderate life, Danilo Stolpnik is considered a protector of peaceful and kind people whose moderation many mistake for weakness and oppress them.
Saint Daniel the Stylite can alleviate even the most difficult sufferings of such people, and all they have to do is pray to him sincerely.