Maintained and supervised marijuana plantations located in various cities!


In the action called “Venasive II”, more than 2,000 marijuana plants were seized and, as announced in the previous arrest, eight members of this group were located and put behind bars, including again Serbs. In previous actions, there were many of our citizens who work on plantations.

– The investigation began at the beginning of the year and it was determined that it was a large criminal organization. Some members ended up in jail and two posted bail and were released. They used that to create a new criminal group with Serbs; the Spanish media write:

– It was determined that the group had a leader who hired Serbian citizens and trained them to cultivate, maintain and supervise marijuana plantations that were located in several cities – explained the outlet. According to the portals, the detained Serbs are between 25 and 40 years old. – They are accused of creating a criminal group, drug trafficking, but also of fraud with electricity – say the media.

A lucrative business

As Kurir has already written, the Spanish police have discovered more than 30 laboratories for the production of marijuana in recent years. During these actions, several dozen Serbs were arrested! – The climate in Spain is conducive to the cultivation of this drug, the fines are small, so it is very tempting for Serbs who make mini-plantations. The employees of these estates are also Serbs, but also people from the former Yugoslavia. It is much easier to distribute drugs from Spain then in Western Europe, because there are no borders and control is weaker. This is a lucrative business and millions of euros are being spent, and the Serbs and the Balkan Mafia have developed excellent ties, says the source.

According to Lavangardia, the Spanish police conducted four searches. – They broke into villas that had surveillance systems and everything was automated and suitable for remote control. 10 kilograms of marijuana were seized, which was ready to pack and transport, 5,000 euros in cash, large-caliber weapons and material for growing drugs, the media reported. It is interesting that the plantations themselves had an unprecedented security system. – The plantations were guarded by dogs, they were completely covered by video surveillance and motion detectors. The technology is at the highest possible level and plants have been found in various stages of growth.

Let’s visit, three weeks ago, in a spectacular action in Spain, a Serbian (48) was arrested, who was working in a large marijuana plantation. When the agents entered the villa, they were greeted by a surprise. – The strong smell of marijuana came from the house, and it turned out that in fact it was not possible to go from the ground floor of the house to the basement or the first floor. After an exhaustive search, they discovered secret passages to other rooms that the arrested Serb used to enter the plantation. The police found a fake closet in the hallway, through which one went to ambush! In the basement a second larger plantation with plants was discovered. The infrastructure, ventilation, lighting, the temperature and humidity control system were also located here – reports Lavangardija. Jelena Ivić

Photo: Spanish Police

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Author: delivery courier
