Loncar: suggested Vucic – part of the vaccines go to other nationalities in Kosovo


Health Minister Zlatibor Loncar told Indexonline that the Serbian president proposed that during the second contingent in January, the Pfizer vaccine (an American-German product) be brought to other communities in Kosovo.

Vaccines against kovid-19 reached Kosovo, but not from Kosovo institutions. By order of the Government of Serbia, hundreds of citizens of the Serbian community were vaccinated in the northern municipalities, it is written KoSSev.

Indeksonline spoke with Serbian Health Minister Zlatibor Loncar, who revealed the details of the arrival of the Pfizer vaccine to the north.

“The leaders of the Republic of Serbia are committed to caring for all citizens without distinction. Especially during the pandemic that has been terrorizing the entire world for a year, taking the lives of almost two million people. Given this fact, we are the one first in the region and second in the continent as part of Europe. We have begun to immunize the most vulnerable part of the population, according to the professional evaluations of the WHO, so we believe that we are all interested in allowing the As much population as possible is protected from the pandemic. President Vučić proposed that the next covid-19 vaccine contingent, which should arrive in early January, provide quantities for other nationalities in Kosovo. Hundreds of citizens have been vaccinated and offered to prevent deadly infections, protecting them from the potential consequences of a pandemic. We believe that the goal of every responsible government in the world is to provide maximum assistance to each person to save at least one human life. Not to mention hundreds of thousands of people, “Loncar told Indexonline.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
