Legacy of the late patriarch Irinej: what he said about Kosovo must not be disclosed



20.11.2020. 16:21

He noted that Patriarch Irinej’s position was very clear on the Kosovo and Metohija issue.

Patriarch Irinej

Patriarca Irinej, Photo: AP Photo / Darko Vojinovic

With pain in the soul and sadness, we received the news that our patriarch, father, pastor, father, has passed away, said the Bishop of Raska and Prizren, Teodosije today.

“He was always with us, especially with me as bishop, clergy, monks, but also those believers, a people who persevere all this time and do not want to leave these holy places. He really had understanding for everything we went through and felt sorry for of all. one man, “said Theodosius.

He noted that Patriarch Irinej’s position was very clear on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija.

“Like the Holy Synod of Bishops, our Patriarch has always emphasized that we must not renounce our Holy Land, our Jerusalem, our Prizren, the Patriarchate of Peja, Decani, Gracanica, which is our heart and soul. Yes, if we resign to Kosovo and Metohija and if we leave these sacred spaces, we will no longer exist, we will no longer be what our ancestors and our saints have always been, and we will become something completely different, alien to us and not peculiar to us “, said Bishop Teodosije for Kosovo online.

Those words and such attitude of the patriarch infuse additional strength, Teodosije noted, but they also force him to persevere on that path, to preserve his vow, testament.

“We do everything as human beings, we remember the words of our blessedly deceased partisan Paul” God will help us, if he has someone “, our existence, and be as a nation what we are, and nothing else. So there is hope for our lives and our presence in this area confirms that Kosovo and Metohija and the Serbian holy land is the most sacred thing we have, of which we are proud, of what sustains us to be the people of God ”, said the bishop.
