Kosovo and Metohija, whose Serbian churches


Pristina newspaper publication text by Albanian historian Bedri Muhadri, who asserts without question that the medieval monasteries of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo are “ancient for both the indigenous Albanians and the Serbs, whom he says have occupied Kosovo.”

The diocese of Raska and Prizren reacted and assessed that the claims of the newspaper Pristina and the author of the text were presented in the form of open propaganda, without any argument confirmed by independent international historical sources.

One of the monasteries the Albanian historian speaks of is Gracanica, built in the early 14th century, donated by the Serbian King Milutin. In the context of the supposed conquest of foreign monasteries, he also mentions Visoke Decane, the Patriarchate of Peja, and the Mother of God Ljeviska.

The Diocese notes that the most recent and previous texts of the Albanian media openly and openly spread ethnic and religious hatred towards the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija and towards their spiritual and cultural heritage.

They note that, in addition to the ethnic cleansing of 200,000 Serbs and non-Albanians since 1999, there is now an increasingly active denial and cleansing of the cultural identity of the Serbian people and their church in the eyes of the international community, with the aim of erasing every trace of Serbian existence. here we see in every step of the centuries.

The Diocese believes that the issue of protection of shrines should be raised in the Brussels dialogue and that a special kind of protection should be provided to Orthodox shrines.

Strong reactions from Belgrade

The Belgrade authorities also reacted to Pristina’s claims.

The Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Đurić, stated that they were Serbian children sent the strongest message whose Orthodox shrines are located in Kosovo and Metohija.

“The Serbian children of Kosovo Pomoravlje gave the strongest answer to the question of whose Orthodox shrines in Kosovo and Metohija were. The Serbian people have passed through numerous Golgotas throughout history, but no one has managed to kidnap their souls” said the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija. Marko Đurić.

With a statement announced by the Ministry of Culture.

“Unfortunately, we are witnessing yet another provocation by the Kosovo Albanian perpetrators and media, who are once again sending a clear message that the Albanian majority in Kosovo and Metohija see the position of the Serbian people, their cultural heritage and the Serbian Orthodox Church in the southern province of Serbia “. they approach the protection of Serbian cultural heritage with the utmost care, which is their obligation, confirmed by an earlier and recently signed agreement, “the statement said.

No Pristina reaction

There is no reaction from Pristina or opposite tones to those that are placed in the Albanian media. The latest claims from the Albanian media are for continuity.

The Diocese of Raska and Prizren notes that Albanian authors see the sanctuary of the Serbian Orthodox Church as the greatest obstacle to the realization of the idea of ​​an ethnically pure Albanian Kosovo.

The Diocese once again recalls and asks why no Kosovo Albanian historian can explain why the Albanian extremists so ruthlessly destroyed churches and monasteries if they were their own, why they broke crosses, dug Christian graves, desecrated crucifixes and icons.
