Kosovo and Biden: “thank you for bombing Yugoslavia”


Belgrade: A cult of the United States and NATO has been created in Kosovo since 1999, an Atlanticist religion that has its gods, Sputnik estimates.

Source: Sputnik

EPA-EFE Kushtrim Ternava

EPA-EFE Kushtrim Ternava

It is part of Kosovo’s political folklore and they want to show that they are Americans bigger than the Americans themselves – commented Kosovo and Metohija political scientist Stefan Filipović, erecting a monument to Joe Biden’s late son on the Gjilan-Ferizaj road.

The 35-kilometer road near Camp Bondsteel is also named after Biden’s late son, Joseph, and was obtained during Joe Biden’s last visit to Kosovo when he was vice president of the United States in 2015.

Filipovic compares these Pristina movements to the period of ancient Greece, when statues to worshiped gods were erected, and the supreme god of Pristina, he says, is America and its representatives.

“This is the expected policy of Kosovo’s political elite, who simply have to show that they are not pro-American, but purely American. They want to be bigger Americans, members of Biden than Joseph Biden himself. That’s normal here as well. It was with Clinton, Reeker. “Madeleine Albright, therefore, to the people who are alive, and that’s part of the political folklore of the modern Kosovo we live in today,” says Filipović.

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Seen from the position of the political interest of the Albanian elites, not of the people who do not benefit from it, such movements are completely rational, because they are people who will support them, that is, who they will have to listen to.

“It is a way to please them, to appease them … Everything reminds me of a medieval tradition when, before the negotiations between the two parties, one of them sent gifts to appease the other to soften him a bit”, says the Sputnik interlocutor .

Filipovic points out that Kosovo is “occupied” by these busts and monuments, and that many universities and streets are named after American officials.

Analyst Agim Shahimi, however, says that Albanian people throughout the region have been expressing gratitude to the United States for centuries, as well as to them, and that those friendships are enduring.

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“If we go back to recent history from 1990 to today, Americans have always been with Albanians in Kosovo. All American presidents, whether Democrats or Republicans, have the same attitude when it comes to Kosovo. Therefore, Joe Biden, the new President of the United States, has always been against injustice and wanted to expand democracy in the Balkans, especially in the southern Balkans, ”he said.

As for young Biden, Shahimi says he was a great lobbyist for Kosovo justice, very committed and committed to the goals of the Kosovo Albanians, and as part of the OSCE team he trained local prosecutors and judges. So, like his father Joe Biden, he stood up for the truth, he concludes.

“The Albanian people are grateful to all those who voted for the liberation of Kosovo and the bombing of Yugoslavia. This is demonstrated by the monuments to the Americans and the streets that bear their names, but also by the names of the British and French. We had no other way of thanking them. ” says Shahimi.

He believes that it could easily happen that Joe Biden comes to Kosovo, and if relations and dialogue go in the right direction, he could visit Serbia as well, with the intention of peace and democracy in the Balkans.
