Karanovic in Pristina: we buried ourselves in our mud


In the countries of the former Yugoslavia, nothing has fundamentally changed in the last 30 years, said renowned Belgrade actress Mirjana Karanovic in Pristina, adding that “we have sunk deep into our mud,” RFE writes.

Karanovic made the remarks at a panel discussion on the role of Balkan actors in promoting gender equality and fighting homophobia and nationalism, as part of the Kosovo Theater Showcase, organized by Jeton Neziraj, director of Pristina Multimedia Center. , he writes CSR.

This festival was opened on Tuesday by the play “Balava”, starring Mirjana Karanović, Jasna Đuričić, Jovana Belović and Isidora Simijonović.

Speaking about the future of Kosovo and Serbian society, Karanović said that “the smartest people do not participate in decision-making” at the round table, which was led in Serbian by the editor-in-chief of Pristina’s daily “Koha Ditore” , Agron Bajrami, with an Albanian translation. .

So it’s about the future as a colorful lie in which you lie, above all others, that you now do it for the common good and promise a phenomenal future only if you follow me. I see it more or less everywhere. We are caught up in “False visions of false prophets, people who do not have a vision of the future but in fact indulge in some superficial visions that cannot be the energy to create a real future,” Karanovic said.

“I am fighting,” he said, “against that feeling of despair that so little has changed,” and said that “he no longer believes in the power of theater.”

“In the past, theatrical performances caused an explosion in society and a great controversy in the public, and today there is a tendency to reduce everything to superficiality, to cover important subjects with camouflage fabrics and to cover a large object with a net “Karanovic said. however, theater will never disappear, because it is not just entertainment, but something that encompasses human needs.
