Joint pressure from the EU and the United States awaits us on the Kosovo issue


Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić assessed that “joint pressure from the EU and the United States” can be expected on Serbia in relation to the Kosovo issue.

After the session of the Presidency of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), Vučić said that Serbia faces a “difficult period” in which, as he assessed, it would be exposed to “all possible pressures, campaigns and falsehoods”.

“It is important that we understand the weight of the position we are in, especially now after the change in the US administration.” We should expect concentrated pressure from the EU and the US on Serbia to meet the relative demands, as it says. openly Washington, the recognition of Kosovo, while the EU will use a slightly different vocabulary, but will go towards the same goal, “Vucic said.

He assessed that an attempt will be made to revoke the powers of the Republika Srpska (RS) authorities.

“When you add to the whole regional context in which it is not easy to preserve the position of Serbia, which is growing more rapidly economically, … Everyone else will see how to declare Serbia as hegemony,” Vucic said.

Vučić also said that Miroslav Lajčák’s announced visit to Serbia was discussed in the party presidency. “We have drawn conclusions about what Serbia can do, what it wants and what does not come to mind at all costs,” Vucic said.

Speaking of the election results in Kosovo, he said that the Serbian list achieved “absolute dominance” among Serbs in the north of the province, and that it had a weaker result “hue” in Serbian areas south of Ibar. .

“We will take steps and measures to oppose the violence of Albanian political entities that abuse certain Serbian representatives through democratic means.” Albin Kurti says that he only wants to speak to certain Kosovo Serbs, and not to Serbia, so that he can say that Kosovo is independent. The Serbian people understand that and that is why they voted for the Serbian List up to that point, but not everyone in the international community will understand it, “Vucic said.

The President of Serbia also said that he had spoken with Prime Minister Brnabić and the ministers about various things. “On road and rail infrastructure, with almost all the ministers, on how to raise the growth rate, because the future package of economic measures depends on that,” he added.

He reiterated that in the case of the attack on the son of the Serbian politician from Kosovo, Nenad Rasic, it was a “scheduled fight”.

He rejected as false the accusations of the leader of Self-Determination, Albin Kurti, that the incident had a political background, that is, that the Serbian List was behind it.

“I was silent about it for 24 hours and I only saw which lies were being spread the most. We have all the data, the fight was scheduled three days before, 20 to 20. Do not show who struck first. Nenad Rasic’s son came to the fight scheduled because the school in Laplje Selo wasn’t even open that day. “What does all this have to do with Srpski’s list?” Vucic asked.

Personnel changes on social media due to “arrogance”

Vučić also claimed that some SNS members are behaving arrogantly and announced personnel changes within the party, so he scheduled a session of the SNS Main Board in a few months.

He recalls that “six years ago, in the session of the SNS Board of Directors, he said that changes will take place within the party when he sees that a part of the people is behaving with arrogance”, similar to the previous government.

“Unfortunately, some people behave like this. Fortunately, most still do not. But, to avoid that, we will have to make cuts in the SNS,” stressed Vučić.

He announced that there would be a “serious” rejuvenation of the party and the introduction of people willing to fight and work.

“I asked people, ‘What were you doing on Saturday and Sunday?’ What did you do? Did you invite people to speak to see if they have a problem? “I respond daily to more than a hundred messages that people send me through social networks and letters,” he added.

He pointed out that it is impossible for any of the more than 20 ministers in the Serbian Government to do anything over the weekend, adding that it is not good and that these are things that need to be changed.

Vučić also announced the holding of the SNS Assembly for September, in which preparations will begin for the presidential, Belgrade and parliamentary elections announced for spring 2022.

Patience and discipline in complying with the measures

Vučić also stated that the epidemiological situation in Serbia “is not pleasant” and that a small number of them are safe from coronavirus infection.

He says that most of those vaccinated have not yet received the second dose, and that the 220,000 figure that is small and “almost nothing” is.

“Something will help you, but you will have to be patient and wait 14 days from the second dose,” he said.

He said he believes that 2.5 million citizens of Serbia will be vaccinated against the coronavirus.

Vučić said that Serbia does better in that regard compared to countries in the region.

He announced that the works on the new part of the Clinical Center in Belgrade will be completed by the end of August.

Speaking about citizen gatherings to pay their respects to the late singer-songwriter George Balasevic, Vucic said that the coronavirus pandemic has been going on for a long time and everyone should relax.

“You can’t ban people who have lived with something for 30-40 years, they have to show emotion, they had to get out,” he added.

He stated that “some people need to go outside to relax because of the pandemic”, and said “have a glass of wine.”

“Among the first whose property will be examined”

The President of Serbia requested to be among the top ten persons whose properties will be examined on the basis of the Law on Determination of the Origin of Property, the proposed changes of which are being examined in the Serbian Parliament.

“It is important that citizens have confidence in their president. To hear what is true, because the closest relatives are also being questioned.” That they listen to where are those hectares of land, bakeries, vineyards and restaurants, “he said.

Vučić asked that, if he could, request an examination of the origin of the property.

“I will not speak for others,” he emphasized.

When asked about the first semester of his studies at the School of Sports and Health, Vučić said that he took each exam live, but that “the anatomy bothered him”, while passing the other exams with a grade of 10 and that “It was easier for him than anatomy.”

“It is important that you obtain a degree with your work and knowledge,” Vučić said, commenting on some claims on social media that he took the exams at a time when he had state obligations.
