John Jovanovic: I am delighted with the potential of the region, a new chapter in relations


The head of the American International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) Office, John Jovanović, declared that he was delighted with the potential of the region in the economic and social sense.

He told Radio Televisión de Serbia (RTS) that the most important thing for DFC is to do several projects in the first three months and that they will first join projects that are already being worked on, such as the Nis-Pristina highway, where DFC will invest.

“I hope that what you saw yesterday is a new chapter in relations between Serbia and the United States,” Jovanovic said, commenting on yesterday’s talks between the two state delegations in Belgrade.

He said he will measure success by the number of jobs created, first in Serbia and Kosovo, and soon in other parts of the Western Balkans.

Members of the US government delegation met yesterday and today with top Serbian officials in Belgrade, and Jovanović says he is amazed at how prepared people in Serbia were for the arrival of US investments.

“Colleagues from the six US agencies who were in the Washington delegation were delighted with the first visit to Belgrade and the opportunities and potential of this region, both economically and socially. I share your opinion,” said Jovanovic.

He stated that his Serbian origin and knowledge of the language will mean a lot to him in carrying out projects in the region, but that his business experience will help him more, mainly in working with finances.

“The peoples of this region share common values ​​and we would like to build those values ​​through business and social projects, especially through the entrepreneurial spirit of women. Many came forward and said that it was a great opportunity for Serbia and the region.” Jovanovic added.

A delegation from the United States government arrived in Belgrade to implement the Washington agreement between the leaders of Serbia and Kosovo on the normalization of economic relations. The leaders of Serbia and Kosovo signed two versions of the “Economic Normalization” document on September 4 at the White House, differing on the last of the 16 points.

One of the points establishes that Kosovo and Serbia will cooperate with the DFC and the Export-Import (EXIM) Bank of the United States in memorandums of understanding for the realization of the “Peace Highway”, the railway connection between Pristina and Merdar, the connection railway between Nis and Pristina, providing funds for necessary financing loans for small and medium-sized enterprises, additional bilateral projects and the permanent presence of DFC in Belgrade.
