09.09.2020. 13:05 – 09.09.2020. 13:14

Banka, Photo: Shutterstock
This year, only nine students were enrolled in the carpenters management, while for years there has been no interest in plumbers. Good teachers earn from 100,000 dinars to 5,000 euros a month
In Serbia, no one will go to plumbers, carpenters, painters and certain directions in secondary schools that educate these staff or have only a few students or are dating. Also, these are jobs where you can earn at least two average Serbian salaries, and even more! As there has been a shortage of craftsmen and craftsmen in the market for years, employers are increasing wages more and more, so a good auto mechanic can earn up to 100,000 dinars, a welder 120,000 dinars, while an experienced painter earns 2,500 euros. (290,000 dinars) during the month. .
He is busy
Job sites, however, are full of job openings, with excellent wages and good conditions, and mostly looking for workers with a secondary education. Despite the good salaries, interest in crafts is low for the third level of education. This year, only nine students were enrolled in the carpenters’ direction, while for years there has been no interest in plumbers, so the directions are dying out.
Painters earn up to 2,500, plumbers 2,000 euros
Goran Rodić from the Construction Chamber confirms that there is a real craze for good teachers.
– Painters work to earn a living and will not have a high salary at any time of year, but when it is their season, they earn 1,200 to 2,500 euros per month, considering that they work per square meter, which charges up to three euros. And plumbers make big profits. He will simply give you whatever you ask for. They charge 3,000 dinars for the arrival itself, and at the end of the month they go from 1,500 to 2,000 euros in salary – says Rodić.
The director of the School of Construction in Belgrade, the only institution in Serbia that educates construction craftsmen, Dragana Radovanović, says that this school enrolled 60 fewer students compared to last year.
– Few children are interested in the third level of education and parents do not want their children to be bricklayers and carpenters. It is always said that the work of a bricklayer is poorly paid, but not when someone is educated, a good teacher has a daily salary of 50 euros. Every June, companies call us and tell us – where the children are, but they themselves do not have a license to practice on them. Soon we will be left without good workers, without bricklayers, carpenters, potters – says Radovanović.
Nebojsa Atanackovic from the Serbian Employers’ Union says that employers have faced the problem of a lack of workers in certain occupations for years and are willing to pay much more than before to get a good buregdzija, support worker or driver.
What are the wages of artisans?
points 80,000-90,000
auto mechanic 80,000-100,000
welder 100,000-120,000
booster 80,000-100,000
forklift 90,000-100,000
appliance repairman 100,000-120,000
points 80,000-90,000
chairs 60,000-80,000
* amounts are in dinars
Poor occupations
* driver
* reinforcer
* Carpenter
* builder
* welder
* auto-file
* chairs
– In recent years, we have had a constant increase in salaries due to the lack of the necessary profiles of craftsmen, especially reinforcements, carpenters, bricklayers, painters. For years, we have had problems with workers going abroad, but in some areas we also have a problem with a lack of trained personnel. That is the case in the construction profession, we do not have reinforcements or carpenters, and they are in high demand. The deficit is certainly one of the reasons for the high wages, and then we look at the employee’s training and experience, working conditions, position, job risk. As long as the situation is such that you need a good buregdžija, a good hairdresser and a baker, and it is difficult to find them, by then your income will increase – explains Atanacković.
Wrong parents
The president of the Forum of Professional Secondary Schools, Milorad Antić, points out that jobs in these areas can be found without any problems, the salary is phenomenal, but that there are not enough interested students yet.
– Unfortunately few children have enrolled in craft schools in recent years. Many classes have closed and many classes are just forming because only a few students have applied. Children are now enrolling in “popular” occupations, they do not want to do physical work, and they fear that society will laugh at them for being teachers and that they will not be able to find a girlfriend. Also, their parents advise them to go to managers or merchants, telling them “I guess you won’t be black your whole life.” And a welder, for example, has a monthly minimum wage of a thousand euros, while those who worked in “South Stream” earned more than 5,000 euros – he says.