Jeremic: Albanian finger has been on the ignition switch in northern Kosovo since yesterday – Politika


People’s Party Chairman Vuk Jeremic declared today that “the Albanian finger on the ignition switch” has been in northern Kosovo since yesterday, and that it is another blow to Serbia’s sovereignty over the province of which the president Serbian Aleksandar Vucic and the Serbian government are solely responsible. progressive parties (SNS).

Jeremic: The Albanian finger has been on the ignition switch in northern Kosovo since yesterday 1Photo: Beta / Miloš Miškov

“If there is tension in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, which is not unthinkable and has happened many times in the past, then one of the elements of pressure could be the difficulty of the electricity supply, because today all consumers of the Northern Kosovo belong to the common system of the self-proclaimed Kosovo and Albania. ” and no longer to the Serbian Electric Power Industry system, “said Jeremić.

“Control of the electrical system is one of the elements of sovereignty, like telecommunications or air traffic control. Almost all state powers in northern Kosovo have been handed over to Pristina in the last seven years, since the signing of the Brussels accords, and the Serbian side has not received anything, “he said. it’s Jeremic.

Jeremic stated that it will be very difficult to return the situation to its previous state.

“There is no Union of Serbian Municipalities agreed seven years ago, and there is a handover of the electricity network in the hands of Albanians, there is an international telephone number, the security, health and judicial systems of Serbia in the north, which existed before the Brussels accords, they have been dissolved, “added Jeremic.

Regarding the accusations by the authorities that he, as a former foreign minister, is “responsible for the loss of Kosovo”, Jeremic pointed out that in the last seven and a half years all power has been in the hands of Vucic and SNS, who control completely everything, including the road. the Albanian side in Pristina, including the way the agreements reached in Brussels are being implemented.

“The signing of the delivery of the electricity system to Pristina and Tirana was not put by anyone who was in power until 2012, but by those who came to power that year, promising the international community that they would do just that. “Before 2012, northern Kosovo was fully integrated into the Serbian state: health, security, courts, phone number, full presence of EPS and Serbian Telecom,” Jeremic said.

“Today, that is no longer the case, northern Kosovo is ruled by criminal gangs and nominal sovereignty, including electricity, is in the hands of Pristina,” Jeremic concluded.

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