Folker Jay Ramadanovski grew up in the very center of Belgrade and his neighbors described him as an eternal bohemian and a cheerful man.

“Jay is a real Dorcol, I’ve known him since he was a kid. That old company used to meet in a cafe that was closed a long time ago. Everyone knew him, he always showed up and played tarabuka. He was still a teenager then, and he was always happy. and people loved him, he was never an alumnus, he liked to give and honor people, when he had done it, he shared with everyone, here he went to elementary school, for a while he was in a correctional facility, and when he left he got a job in a paint shop He worked seven days and quit, then told us, “I go in full of soot and I come out all red from the paint,” revealed Jay’s neighbor, Dusan.
At the “Baruch Brothers” school, the principal revealed new details about popular people.
“Jay went to our school, his teacher was Danica Pekić. He found him crying on the street and took him to school. He said that she was like a mother to him and that he was not there, that he would never go the right way . “She bought him books, clothes and took care of him. He was at a school celebration so he spoke about Danica through tears, he loved her so much, “said Dragomir.
Despite being troublesome and growing up in difficult conditions, one of the natives said that Ramadanovski still “became a man.”
“Jay grew up on these streets. He used to gossip, steal and be troublesome, he drank a lot. Despite that, he was loved by everyone, but it was rumored that he had gone the wrong way and that he would lose everything. However, that one was not is the case. Congratulations to him, he even bought and secured an apartment, became a real man, lived in the barracks where they were expelled and everything was demolished so that something could be built now. we often find ourselves in a corner cafe “.


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