JAY WANTED TO CHANGE HIS FAITH: He went to church regularly, and because of this he was broken every time.


Although he celebrated Good Friday, the glory he took from his ex-wife Nada, and regularly attended church in Kalemegdan, it did not change his faith, although he wanted to. He talked about it ten years ago:

– I was born in a mixed family. Since my father is Muslim and my mother is Christian, I inherited my father’s faith. I grew up on the streets and couldn’t think about whether I would tell someone that they were Catholic, Orthodox or Muslim. It just wasn’t that important to me, but as the years went by, I became more and more godly.

Jay later noted that he regretted not being able to sponsor his friends because of their faith:

– My dear friends often called me to be their best man, both at weddings and baptisms, and I had to reject them because I was not baptized. That would make me very sad every time, because I love some of them as if they were my own brothers. By the way, I am very pious and I regularly attend St. Petka’s church, where I light candles for my loved ones. For a while, I even went to her every day, while she was in the mosque only a few times.

It was because of a friend that the singer wanted to become Orthodox.

– I would like to arrange things so that the next time someone invites me to be their godfather I can accept it without any problem. In fact, a few years ago I decided not to change anything in the old days, but I probably make an exception when it comes to faith. Sometimes I jokingly say that I have been repeating this for years, so it may happen that I die as I was born. It does not matter to which God you pray if you sincerely believe in him and in what you do, if your heart and soul are pure as a tear – said Ramadanovski.

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