Janković: We suggest that the facilities run until 5pm.


Srđa Janković, Immunologist

Immunologist Srdja Jankovic told RTS that the medical part of the crisis staff proposed to the government that all facilities, except food stores, pharmacies and pumps, operate until 5 pm. He hopes the government will take action today.

Srdja Jankovic is in favor RTS He said that the strengthening of the measures is necessary, especially when it comes to facilities that “are not an essential need”, with masks and meetings.

He affirmed that the unanimous proposal of the Crisis Staff to the Government is that the facilities, with the exception of grocery stores, pharmacies and gas stations, operate until 5 in the afternoon.

“We have guarantees that the measures will be adopted in their entirety as proposed,” said a member of the Crisis Staff, adding that the proposal must take effect as soon as possible because “it is a matter of hours, not days.”

According to him, the measures should be implemented without reservation, so that the situation does not get worse.

It has also been suggested that masks be worn in all situations where interpersonal contact can occur, including outdoors where people cannot avoid contact with each other.

“A part of us considered the possibility of writing that the mask is used always and everywhere, but the reason prevailed because it would not make sense for someone to wear a mask and walk alone by the river,” said the immunologist.

It considers that the sanction for non-compliance with the measures is a matter for state agencies, not for doctors and the crisis headquarters.

Janković notes that there is much more talk about the curfew among the people, adding that the crisis staff did not consider such a thing.

“At this time, it is not an intentional measure, if these measures are implemented, the story about the movement bans will be unnecessary. We suggest that people avoid situations where they may be in contact,” Janković said.

He appealed to citizens to adhere to the measures when saying goodbye to Patriarch Irinej.

“Kissing the believers is important, but the protection of life and health is also important, and I am sure it is best to pay our respects by protecting the health of our loved ones,” said a member of the crisis staff.

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