DR RADMILO JANKOVIĆ FOR MESSAGING At the moment, the infection is transmitted by adolescents! The situation is dramatic! Action must be taken urgently


BELGRADE – The virus will not go away! The measures that break the contacts and the chain of infection must be taken urgently – yesterday! This is what prof. Kurir. Dr. Radmilo Janković, Deputy Director of UCC Nis and Director of the Anesthesia and Intensive Care Clinic KC Nis.

– The situation is really dramatic, says prof. Janković, and it is completely incomprehensible that we behave as we behave, both with and without measures.

– The environment that has taken over society is completely unacceptable and we are threatened by a black scenario. We will have more crowded hospitals than in December, we will completely stop treating other patients. Vaccination coverage has already seriously decreased, and will only decrease because those infected cannot receive the vaccine, Prof. Jankovic notes adds: The only correct way out of this is to reduce or completely stop the possibility of the virus spreading. in the population.

It doesn’t have to be curfew, but there cannot be a group of more than 3-4 people on the street, they cannot gather inside, except as necessary., like going to the stores. And we have no choice but to continue immunization. Anyone who refuses vaccination for any reason must be aware that sooner or later they will come into contact with the virus and become ill, and I cannot know what clinical picture they will develop and if it will be a serious form. The foolishness of people getting infected with the vaccine will only lead to real disaster. People should not be afraid of vaccination, they will not get sick, but they should avoid contact and the possibility of infection until at least three weeks have passed since the second dose.

In KC Nis, prof. Janković, there are already more than 250 difficult patients and soon all of kovid’s capacities will be full. – And then we will close everything else where people are being treated for necovid or send patients to the cov hospital in Kruševac which will be full in 2-3 days.

In intensive care in both Nis and Krusevac, we have more patients than ever. In the last 10 days, more than 2,500 people have been infected in Nis, and that number is at least three times higher, and probably even more. At the moment, the infection is transmitted by adolescents, who are asymptomatic or with mild symptoms, and there is a suspicion that they do not even call the doctors to avoid isolation, so they simply transmit the virus.

Countries that had the right strategy and had enough vaccines will soon begin to return to normal life. – Israel, which vaccinated 60 percent of the adult population with a strict “lockdown”, now has a single-digit death toll and fewer than 500 infected – Jankovic notes, adding:

– Regardless of the indications and evidence from our institutes that more than 30 percent of those infected in Serbia have the British strain, people should know that clinical studies have certainly confirmed that the “Astra Zeneka” and “Fajzerova” vaccines and “Sputnik V” protect from that strain, and probably Chinese.


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