IVICA DAČIĆ: This is not Biden from the 90s, but he will ask for the recognition of the so-called Kosovo


– We looked at him a lot throughout the nineties, and we forgot that he also came to Belgrade in this century and that we built relationships together. So there is no going back to the 1990s, regardless of the election results in America, but the Democrats will demand recognition of Kosovo, Dacic told Sputnik.

Dacic believes that Biden, like many politicians, shows two faces, one in opposition and the other when he comes to power.

In an interview with Sputnik, he recalled that Biden, as vice president of the United States, had made two official visits to Serbia, noting that the talks he had with him as prime minister in Washington and at the Munich Security Conference with President Vučić they were completely different from those. that Biden directed during the 1990s.

– I think we should focus on building new relationships and new relationships with people who will also deal with European affairs, that is, the dialogue with Pristina. Because the biggest problem for the Biden US administration, that is, the Democrats, is that they believe that the Kosovo problem has been solved, says Dacic.

He believes that they are not in favor of the continuation of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, but simply seek the implementation of the decision on the proclamation of Kosovo. He notes that in that sense, that administration would probably not be more favorable to Serbia than Trump, who does not have the weight to participate in the project to create an independent Kosovo.

– That’s why the Trump administration was more open to compromise. However, the situation is changing and the actual international political scene has changed. Kosovo no longer has such a strong position as it used to, it does not have a majority, it cannot become a member anywhere – concludes Dacic.

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