“IT WAS SO STRONG THAT I JUMPED OUT OF BED” Neighbor on the bomb attack in Kaludjerica: My windows were broken!


It broke so hard that I jumped out of bed. The windows on my terrace were shattered: this is the story of a neighbor of a man in whose yard a bomb was dropped in the Kaludjerica neighborhood of Belgrade tonight.

Photo: Vladimir Šporčić / RAS Serbia

As we learned, the explosive device was thrown into the courtyard of the house owned by SS. Fortunately, no one was injured, but the building was damaged, as well as the car that was parked in the yard at the time.

According to neighbors, no one was in the house when the bomb was dropped.

The car was damaged when the bomb exploded

Photo: Vladimir Šporčić / RAS Serbia

The car was damaged when the bomb exploded

– The explosion happened around 6:50 pm At that time, I was sitting in my house. When it exploded, there was an explosion so loud that I jumped out of bed. Due to the force of the explosion, the windows on my terrace were smashed – said the neighbor.

The courtyard where the bomb was dropped

Photo: Vladimir Šporčić / RAS Serbia

The courtyard where the bomb was dropped

He didn’t want to talk about S. S, that is, if he was in conflict with someone who could take revenge on him in this way, as well as who could be the attacker.

The police are still on the scene and are conducting an investigation.
