It started with a “war” with a colleague, and then POLITICIANS AND ESTRADA were also targeted.


Every time he is advertised on his Facebook profile, epidemiologist Predrag Kon causes a huge storm in the public. The latest in a series of publications is just one of those that caused controversy and undermined a certain group or individual, and everything always has to do with the coronavirus, epidemiological measures with respect or disrespect for it.

Dr. Kon has repeatedly shown that he takes his role as a crisis staff member seriously and uses his position to attract the public, and he has never hesitated to speak his mind about the actions of public or anonymous people.

A clear message for the public

The latest in a series of announcements concerns the population as a whole and raises a question of choice.

“We have to decide … Are the mass holidays more important to us or should we keep the epidemic under control together … It is more important that wedding planners, musicians, wedding dress sellers work successfully, than sports fans attend games, are they important to us? ” Major mass gatherings and diverse events that we love and enjoy or are people’s lives and the protection of the Serbian healthcare system more important to us? Is travel more important to us than health safety? Is it safe and cheaper to organize online (congresses, conferences)? Are we capable of adapting even more as a society, to help the State and those who have not yet done so, and objectively cannot work because of the epidemic?

maskPhoto: Jaroslav Pap / Tanjug


We need to decide if it is more difficult to implement mandatory mask-wearing measures or to bury those killed by COVID-19 every day …

And together with much more understanding and solidarity, we could only prevent the destructiveness of another wave, the spike, the surge, by strictly implementing measures. Let’s at least significantly weaken it … It really depends on all of us.

And that will not be resolved by individuals, the government, the president … Everyone is only capable of showing the way, seeking and finding a way out, and the result only comes with the existence of understanding and solidarity.

A success on stage

Before that, Dr. Kon reacted sharply to the images and recordings he received of the performance, the pop artist, not wanting to name her, and emphasized that it was about boycotting all epidemiologically prescribed measures.

And since singer Teodora Džehverović performed at Vrnjačka Banja the night before, and recently at Smederevo, that is exactly why everyone thinks that she is the singer Kon was referring to.

– The recordings I receive about yesterday’s mass celebrations from Smederevo, today from last night’s show in Vrnjačka Banja related to the same pop artist, represent a complete boycott of the measures that are prescribed as anti-epidemic measures. Watching such recordings, all the doctors working in the kovid hospitals, and especially the infectologists, anesthesiologists and pulmonologists, saw how hospitals and patients were filled with respirators. Parents of children who need to go to school are afraid. I appeal again to the competent state bodies, institutions and inspectorates to do their job … – wrote Kon.

Teodora Džehverović Photo: Instagram / Instagram

Teodora Džehverović

When asked by one of the Facebook users why he is sending appeals to them, and not to the representatives of the executive branch, Kon said he hopes his announcement will be broadcast by all media, and that he also sent a letter to the prime minister. from Serbia, Ana Brnabić, on that occasion.

Dzehverovic later said that she did not feel called by everything, since she was not the organizer of the party. Later, the young pop star in Prva’s studio justified herself by saying that she was uncomfortable about the whole situation. However, the epidemiologist did not comment further on that occasion.

A message also for politicians

It wasn’t just pop stars who were criticized by our esteemed epidemiologist. He also addressed his appeal to politicians recently.

That is, he wrote in large capital letters:

– PUBLIC INVITATION: I ask all state officials to wear masks on all occasions when it is mandatory. And for him and as an example for others, Kon wrote.

Dr. Kon at the conferencePhoto: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Dr. Kon at the conference

In response to one of the comments, in which he writes that he should not address the people on Facebook who follow him because they respect the measures, but rather the members of the executive branch with whom he meets, Kon replied that the appeal will be broadcast by All the means.

In comments, many supported his proposal and appeal, calling for both state officials and other citizens to suffer the consequences if they do not wear masks.

Rat Epidemiology

About four months ago, in a message on his Facebook profile, Dr. Predrag Kon summarized everything that has been done in the fight against the corona virus, and at one point mentioned a colleague, prof. Zoran Radovanović.

– Without the state of emergency and the possibility of direct hiring, based on all my work experience in this type of situation, we could “take pictures”. There will be lawyers who will explain … and say otherwise. They always meet. I mean what life has shown. Then and now, I was miles away from making acquisitions and I didn’t care how it was done, because others did it in accordance with the law and the authorities. In this lies the greatest and essential deception of my friend prof. Zoran Radovanović, which lasts for more than ten years, wrote Kon.

On that occasion, a few days later, Professor Radovanović spoke and replied to his esteemed colleague.

Kon and Radovanović Photo: Blic / RAS Serbia

Kon and Radovanović

– What happened that should not have happened: two epidemiologists publicly confronted. Colleague Kon in his text on Enemies, Genocide and Mengele carelessly involved me with my alleged misconceptions. All day yesterday they called me from the media on the boulevard to comment and “admit” if Peca and I are still friends. I declined all of them, with one exception, but accepted the invitation from the Danas newspaper. So our photos were on the cover this morning. Personally, I think that the professional part of the Crisis Staff had an obstacle to work, mainly to defend its credibility threatened by repeated contradictory messages, disavowal of the positions taken by government decisions, and later resignation from their positions, etc., but what is – there it is – wrote Professor Radovanovic on Facebook.

Among the numerous comments, Dr. Kon’s comment also appeared.

– My dear professor, this afternoon I will prepare answers for you. There is nothing that does not have an answer. And there is a misunderstanding and it refers to the fact that only with the declaration of an epidemic, the acquisition cannot be done directly, and that is the only thing with which we will never agree. Life and events prove it. There will always be several interpretations. As for the worst and the best of the region, I leave it for a detailed analysis, I sincerely congratulated Croatia even publicly, but according to the WHO methodology, all deaths will be audited later, and the number and incidence of Covid19, as always depends on patient results and tests. But in any case, I ALWAYS wish my best teacher all the best, and various points of view will NEVER disturb that – said Dr. Predrag Kon.

What is a fact is that each of his announcements directed at the Serbian public is closely followed, recounted and shared.
