It is the final moment of SOLIDARITY


Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar says that it is no consolation for us that someone in the neighborhood has more deaths and infections, and it is the final moment of solidarity to try to stop this growing trend in the number of people infected with the crown.

– I asked the citizens not to make any contact that they did not have to do to try to stop this growth trend. We have to comply with that for 10 days, not go to risky meetings. Is it a problem that you don’t go to concerts, parties for 10 days? – Lončar said for “Pink”.

He noted that people between 30 and 50 years old suffer from the crown.

– The danger is real, the danger is even greater for the elderly who have associated diseases. We have grandchildren who got infected and lay down in one room and infected their grandmothers with grandparents who were lying in another – Lončar said, noting that there is not a single measure that they bring and that everyone agrees on.

However, there is no time for analysis.

– The health system is not designed so that you can put the whole of Serbia in it when you get sick. The situation is the worst in Belgrade. This is where people behave most irresponsibly. The system has a certain performance that it can withstand and the goal is for each patient to receive the proper medical care, Lončar said.

– The entire Zemun hospital is returning to the kovid system, even that is not enough. We can’t do that indefinitely, ”Lončar pointed out.

He stressed that the greatest help for doctors and medical workers would be to refrain from unnecessary contact.

– Is it a problem that we don’t go to parties for 10 days? – Lončar asked, pointing out that the state is building two hospitals and Aleksandar Vučić will not take them home.

– But consider how many patients there are who are not covid. Those hospitals will not remain empty – stressed the minister.

VIDEO: Night party at Belgrade club “Lafayette” despite ban due to crown
