It is still possible to get an infection with the MOST SERIOUS COMPLICATIONS


The number of patients who are connected to a ventilator is growing, which means that even now, regardless of the encouraging numbers from day to day, it is possible to contract a kovida-19 infection with the most serious complications, said the deputy director of the Institute. of Public Health “Dr. Milan Jovanović Trampoline” Darija Kisić Tepavčević.

He affirmed for RTS that although there are fewer confirmed cases, it does not mean that the virus is not present in the circulation, and that the total number of cases registered in the laboratory is a direct reflection of the application of preventive measures and called on everyone to continue respecting the protection measures.

“We have proven to be extremely responsible and conscientious, and this has affected the number of patients. Respecting all preventive measures minimizes the risk of transmission of the infection. Physical distance and the use of masks also have an effect,” Kisić Tepavčević said.

He also stated that children should focus on the importance of respecting measurements and that such behavior should be part of their daily routine.

“It is very important that teachers and staff working in schools, as well as parents, pay attention to children and that if they have any symptoms of the disease, they do not send the children to school,” he said.

Kisić Tepavcević pointed out that the virus is transmitted more indoors and stressed that cooperation between parents and teachers is extremely important, especially in the coming period.

He added that crisis staff received a report from school self-governments, indicating that schools are ready for the start of the school year.

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