It is not normal that the director of “Srbijagas” has a salary of 2.4 million


Zorana Mihajlovic said that the management of that company will change, if the reform plan adopted by the government is not implemented.

“I think it is not normal for the director of ‘Srbijagas’ to have a monthly salary of 2.4 million dinars. PE PEU Resavica workers have an average salary of around 65,000 dinars a month and need almost a whole working life, 38 years, to work for what the director “Srbijgas makes money in a year”, said Mihajlović, visiting the mine “Resavica”.

We will change that very soon and it will not be like that again, Mihajlović said.

When journalists asked him during his visit to “Resavica” what he thinks of certain public comments that the announced reforms in the gas sector will only be cosmetic, Mihajlovic recalled that the Serbian government adopted the “Srbijagas” reorganization plan in the session of December 10. is implemented.

“The Srbijagas reform started on Friday last week and is precisely determined and defined by dates, when and what must be done. The Srbijagas administration must implement it, and if it does not implement it, there will be no Srbijagas administration.”

He noted that the reform in the gas sector is also important, and that the government has made the decision to initiate the Srbijgas reform, as he said, which is at least six years late.

“Since no step has been taken towards the opening of the market and the real separation of the companies with their Srbijagas assets, to have, above all, a real price of gas, which does not mean an increase in the price of gas “said Mihajlović.

He also said that, as he said, “some institutional human monopolies that have appeared in those companies must be regulated.”

Mihajlovic points out that for her it is completely clear that any change generates great resistance, but that the government and the ministry will not give up in that regard.

He stressed that Srbijagas will become a profitable company, from which citizens will benefit, and not like now “that we have a handful of people in Srbijagas who benefit.”

“If we see all the conditions for the workers in these mines, we should all be ashamed that someone spends millions and does not invest in mining. I plan to change that and that ‘Resavica’ works better, has good equipment and that people can work safely “.

And those who, Mihajlović points out, worked in the aforementioned way in Srbijagas in the previous period should bear certain consequences and stop occupying managerial positions in that company.

This applies similarly to EPS, added the minister.

“The safety of the miners is a priority”

During his visit to the Public Company PEU “Resavica”, he said that the safety of the miners is a priority and that in the next period his ministry will pay more attention to the acquisition of better protective equipment and greater respect for the procedures to save the life of miners.

Mihajlovic recalled that only in the last 14 days there have been two incidents in that company, in which a worker lost his life and two were injured and are in hospital.

“It is a big alarm for me that we have to talk about what safety is like in the mines, our miners have complete equipment, but we are looking at how to have an even better equipment, but also about what we can all do together to have better procedures and we adhere to them to save lives, “said Mihajlović.

He indicated that the safety of the miners was the reason for his visit to the UEP “Resavica”.

Mihajlovic said that in the last 20 years, some 11,000 workers of that company were injured, while 27 of them lost their lives.

He thanked the director of that company, Marko Vukovic, and the union representatives for talking about better working conditions for miners and greater respect for procedures.

“I will do everything possible to respect all that, to save people in this time, which is not easy and which is a crisis in every sense of the word, because people are the most important thing, there are no companies, if not there are people, “said Mihajlović.

He pointed out that the relations of that company with EPS will be resolved and that he hopes that everything related to the signing of the Czech loan for the purchase of equipment for “Resavica” will be completed by the end of the year, so that only the company will be able to conclude a contract equipment purchase in January.

He stated that about ten days ago in Belgrade he had a meeting with the representatives of the PEU “Resavica” about the new Czech loan for that company, the subsidies granted by the state to “Resavica”, but also about how the company will operate in the next months and years.

The minister announced that the Supervisory Council of that company will be set up in the next few days.

She also announced that she hopes to sign a contract for a Czech loan before the end of the year, which, as she says, will provide better equipment.

As he said, the Ministry of Mines and Energy and the Ministry of Finance are already discussing with the Public Debt Administration that the Czech loan for the modernization of coal mines should be achieved before the end of the year.

“Already in the first half of January 2021, an agreement will be signed between the PE ‘Underground Exploitation (PEU) of Resavica Coal’ and the equipment supplier,” added Mihajlović.

He hopes that in the next period the relations with EPS will be regulated so that “Resavica” can generate additional income.

It is a raw materials loan of 8.5 million euros, which is the result of an interstate agreement between Serbia and the Czech Republic, and which we have been waiting for eight years, “said PEU Resavica Acting Director Marko Vukovic .

“The meeting with the Minister raises hope for the future business of the public company, given that we have received strong promises that we have been waiting for many years for the Czech loan. This means investing in surveys, increasing production levels and increasing security. of workers through fatal injuries, “Vukovic said.

Representatives of the Mining Union and the “Nezavisnost” Union, who attended the meeting with Minister Mihajlović, expressed their satisfaction with the announced investment in new equipment and increased safety of miners in the shafts.

“The agreement on the Czech loan was planned for the last eight years, and it was not signed at any time. It was negotiated every year and now it will finally come true,” said PE PEU Union President Nebojsa Milnekovic.
