It is not clear if the state is at war with the mafia, but you can see that the mafia is at war in the streets


New murder in Belgrade. This morning, the body of Zoran Uskoković, 22, was found on Borska Street in Kanarevo Brdo, and he was shot to death in a classic waiting room. The motive for the crime is unknown and the victim was the son of Zoran Uskoković Skolet, when he was killed in 2000 by members of the Zemun clan. We remind you that just a few months ago, the state president again publicly declared war on the mafia. There may be progress, but Serbia is plagued by organized crime of all kinds, concludes criminologist Dobrivoje Radovanovic.

They came to unload the bread, but they had to call the police immediately. Bakery and supermarket workers found the body of Zoran Uskoković, 22, on Borska Street, and according to the first attempts at reconstruction, everything indicates that the murder was planned. After parking the car and getting out of it, Uskoković, the assassin who was waiting in an ambush, shot himself in the head.

“In fact, when you think about it, Serbia is rife with organized crime of all kinds.” We cannot do anything serious until we have an independent judiciary and an independent, but completely independent prosecutor’s office, not for the Assembly to elect, and for that the police are subordinate to the prosecution and not to the Ministry, “Radovanovic said.

The murdered Uskoković was the son of Zoran Uskoković Skolet, a known criminal, when members of the Zemun clan were killed in a shootout during a 2000 car chase in Vidikovac. This other liquidation in the classic criminal waiting list reopened the question: Are there concrete results in the war so often announced between the State and the mafia?

The state promised a showdown with the mafia

the assassination of alexander stanojevic
Source: H1

Following the murder of the leader of the Partizan fans Aleksandar Stanković, better known as Sale Mutavi, the then Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanović said: “We will deal with them separately and try to find a way with the prosecution to give these people the punishment they deserve. “

Between the two expositions of Prime Minister Ana Brnabić, from June 2017 to October 2020, almost 50 murders took place in Serbia, which have the characteristics of mafia liquidations. The fight against organized crime, along with the fight against coronavirus, ranks high on the new government’s list of priorities. And the president of the state, Aleksandar Vučić, was categorical last October.

“Some people thought that the most profitable job was being gangsters, killing people, kidnapping citizens and sowing fear. I promise that we will defeat them and I guarantee that, regardless of the personal, political or other consequences, “Vucic said at the time.

The coordination of all the ministries of force and services and security agencies in this task was repeated once again.

“I will compel and persecute the government to break up all that gang, all those clans, with direct blows to the head, a small blow to the head,” Vucic said.

And after the latest ministerial rotation, the new first man of the Serbian police, Aleksandar Vulin, immediately had a message for the public.

“The president of Serbia has declared war on the mafia, and the war against the mafia is waged every day,” says Vulin.

Apparent arrests

Tanjug / Rade Prelic

H1 interlocutors say that there may be a change, but that the trend of protected criminals must stop completely. We are witnessing apparent arrests, says journalist Dušan Telesković in connection with the Veljko Belivuk case.

“They detained him theatrically in front of the airport, and five minutes before he passed passport control, because they were not holding him there, they arrested him and took him away.” Then they release him without any real explanation, neither why they arrest him nor why they release him, “says Teleskovic.

In the last ten days, several shootings occurred in Belgrade: there were injuries in Resavska, a man was thrown from a car in front of the house in Zemun, two young men were injured in the shooting in Čuburski Park and an explosive device was thrown in a cafe in Dorćol.
