It is being investigated whether one of the 11 HACKERS FROM NIŠ, who fraudulently earned 70 MILLION DOLLARS, is capable of being tried in the United States.


Nislija NM, one of 11 Nis programmers suspected of cheating US citizens out of $ 70 million through bogus internet platforms, is incapable of prosecution due to his disturbed mental state, his defense attorney Dragos Cukavac states by ” Blic “.

He explains that his client has mental problems dating from the period before his arrest and that he tried to commit suicide before, for which he was treated at the Gornja Toponica Special Psychiatric Hospital near Nis. Cukavac announced that it would seek expert opinion to determine whether NM can follow through on the process.

– He’s not capable, he’s sick. He was in Toponica, he tried to commit suicide, he has everything in the documentation and in my opinion he is not capable of litigating. Tomorrow is your interrogation. I will ask that his health be examined, if it is possible to transport him due to mental disorders, that he participate in the trial and follow the procedure. There is even the fear of trying to commit suicide again – says Cukavac.

As “Blic” wrote, the US investigating bodies submitted a request to the Serbian judiciary for the extradition of 11 Nis programmers, suspected of defrauding US citizens out of $ 70 million through bogus internet platforms. They are suspected of conspiracy to commit crimes, fraud and money laundering, for which, under US law, they face up to 20 years in prison.

The hearing of the accused is scheduled for September 30, and the defense lawyers of the suspects have already announced that they will present all the resources that the law allows, so that the Serbian prosecutor’s office can take over the procedure. No judicial institution was able to disclose more extensive information, as each of them, from the Ministry of Justice, through the Prosecutor’s Office to the Police, responded to the request.

It is especially intriguing that no Serbian judicial body was involved in the investigation, but only the FBI, and the details of their investigation were revealed only after receiving the extradition request.

IllustrationPhoto: RAS Serbia


– Developers aged 25-35 are suspected of creating binary options trading platforms over the Internet. Then they found foreign investors, made false business transactions, false receipts for withdrawals and money transfers. They allegedly then closed the fake platforms and after a while they opened new ones with the same working method already elaborated, says a source from “Blic” who is familiar with the case.

They misled foreign investors

Unofficially, it is known that programmers, who are between 25 and 35 years old, are suspected of creating investment platforms for so-called binary options over the Internet. Then they found foreign investors, made false business transactions, false receipts for withdrawals and money transfers. Supposedly then they closed the fake platforms and after a while they opened new ones with the same working method already elaborated. They are suspected of participating in these activities from 2011 to June 2020.

As confirmed to “Blic” in the Belgrade High Court, seven of the detainees have only Serbian citizenship, while the others also have passports from other countries.

– Two detained persons have dual citizenship: one has the citizenship of the Republic of Serbia and the citizenship of Australia, the other has the citizenship of the Republic of Serbia and the citizenship of Bulgaria, while one person has the citizenship of Montenegro, declares the Superior Court.

A pregnant woman is also in custody

Also in custody is a pregnant woman, originally from the Philippines, who is in the eighth month of pregnancy and is married to one of the suspects, with whom she has two children.

– She is married to one of the residents of Nis who was arrested. They already have two children – says the source of “Blic” who is familiar with the case.
