Israeli Ambassador: Israel recognized Kosovo on September 4, that’s no longer a problem


“There is no question whether or not Israel will recognize Kosovo, because Israel recognized Kosovo on September 4, and now we need to see how not to allow that to affect relations between Serbia and Israel,” the new ambassador said. Israel in Serbia Jahel Vilan.

“Israel did not sign anything in Washington, we are not part of that summit. An agreement was signed between the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Avdullah Hoti, and the United States. Our Prime Minister (Benjamin Netanyahu) welcomed the mutual recognition of Israel and Kosovo. “he told N1 TV on New Day. The ambassador was asked to comment on whether Israeli recognition of Kosovo will affect relations between Jerusalem and Belgrade.

He said that when he arrived in Belgrade at the inaugural meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, he discussed improving relations between the two countries, and when asked how Vučić commented on the Israeli recognition of Kosovo, Vilan stated that “this is not something that he (Vučić) satisfied, and does not admit such a thing “.

“But Israel is a sovereign state and that is our decision. The agreement was signed, it is not something that Vucic or I changed. We should work to improve relations and not worry too much about something that was done two and a half years ago.” weeks in Washington, “said the ambassador.

When asked how he commented on the fact that Serbia committed in the agreement in Washington to move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, he said “it is very positive, which is good news.”

“The decision of (Serbia) to be the first European country to move the embassy to Jerusalem – that should not be news. All countries hope that everyone will have an embassy in the capital. It is a good and important thing and it means a lot to us.” . “says Vilan.

He added that he learned of the decision to move the Serbian embassy on the morning of September 4, “but not before”, and when asked what Israel will do now, given that Belgrade may have international consequences due to such an act, he said. He jokingly said: “I would say that we have to move the embassy to Belgrade, but we are already in Belgrade.”

“It is a bit strange that now we need to give something for something that should be natural for each country. We are studying with our government … and we are looking for the best ways Israel can help Serbia, especially in the economic field, when It is about increasing investment and improving trade, “said Vilan.

“There is much room for improvement from the economic side, I would like the friendship of our two countries to be reflected in the economy … We need to diversify investments, invest in more sectors, such as renewable energy, health, agriculture … and improve the Commerce. which is not as high as I would expect, “said the new Israeli ambassador, adding that these will be the priorities he will work on during his tenure in Belgrade.

He adds that he met with his Palestinian counterpart in Belgrade, Mohamed Nabhan, who had previously expressed hope that Serbia would not move the embassy to Jerusalem. Villan says it was a “useful meeting” as well as that “there is no dispute with him here.”

“Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, now we can talk about which parts of Jerusalem, but it is the capital,” said Israel’s new ambassador to Serbia.
