INSPECTOR LILY HAS BEEN LEFT AND NEVER SADDER: New Years passed without Scott’s BAILS, and in 2021 she wants a man to do THIS! SHOCK (VIDEO)


Lily also admitted to us that she was not happy because she did not celebrate the New Year at the magnificent Šimanovci estate.

Old co-worker and Ljiljana Stevanovic Lili In a New Years interview, he noted early on that he regretted not having spent the New Year and holidays at the magnificent estate of Cooperatives. Immediately afterwards, we asked him who he would be spending New Years with.

Photo: Bogdanović

– Alone, everyone left me. (laughs) I have offers, friends, receptions, but I’m not that style, I’m not very interested. The one with whom I would like to be has gone. I don’t even know if it will be there. I didn’t think it was going to be, I hope it’s right now. I hope so, but I’m tired of fighting, of justifying, life goes on.

When you go back to your childhood, how did you celebrate the New Year before?

– Very cute, I must say, until I was 30 I was a girl, then I got married, but I had a relationship with a Greek who loved me very much, we lived together, meanwhile he got married and broke up, but the most beautiful period of life. I tie him. He is from Volos, I really had a beautiful New Year, Mykonos, Athens, Ibiza, we loved traveling and enjoying life, nothing modest, it was really cute.

Photo: Bogdanović

First New Years gift or favorite New Years gift?

– When I was very, very young, I received a book from my father, maybe he was 7 years old, “On the Drina Ćuprija”, I heard many stories about it, I read it later. Most of the time my father bought me books, but then I was not in the domain of reading, my mother read a lot. The favorite New Years gifts when I grew up a woman are sequins, wardrobe, makeup. I spend the first money when I have, not on bills, but on the wardrobe.

Was the most expensive gift you received a garment?

– I have many things from € 5 to € 50,000. In my opinion, it is a women’s issue, how can you say anything? Well, a $ 100 jacket might look like $ 10,000. I’m not a slave to expensive things, but I really have it, I gave a lot of money for shoes.

Photo: Bogdanović

Do you wish for next year?

– Find a partner who is a cosmetic surgeon. You don’t have to marry me, but let him be my partner.

What will you wish for yourself?

– The first thing I would like is health, because when I am healthy I have everything.

In the end, Lily revealed her plans for next year and confided in us that she might open a beauty salon with Milica Kemez, which they discussed while she was staying at the magnificent estate.

Photo: Bogdanović

More details below.

Author: OB
