In the last farewell, the army generals Sainovic, Dikovic and Delic


Dragoljub Ojdanic, who passed away on September 6, will be buried today at 2:00 p.m. at the Ojdanic family cemetery in the village of Ravni near Uzice, army general, former chief of staff of the Yugoslav Army and Minister of Defense of the Republic Federation of Yugoslavia.

photo: Z. Š

The coffin was greeted with the sound of trumpets and the song “In the meadow where the birch is white.”

Family, friends, comrades in arms came to say goodbye to the general’s last break.

photo: Z. Š, Ministry of Defense

Dragoljub Ojdanić was born in this town in 1941, completed the non-commissioned officer school in Sarajevo in 1958 and the Military Academy in 1964. He then served in Gjakova, Sarajevo, Prizren, Pristina, and in 1992 he was promoted to the rank of major general and appointed commander of the Uzice’s body. From 1994 to 1996 he was commander of the First Army and in 1998 he was appointed Chief of Staff of the Yugoslav Army. He carried out this function until April 2000, when he was appointed Minister of Defense of the FRY.

Arpila was handed over from Serbia to the Hague Court in 2002, where he was sentenced in 2009 to 15 years in prison for alleged crimes against Kosovo Albanians. He returned to Serbia in 2013, after 11 and a half years in prison.

– Here I am again after 11 years, four months and four days between you, in general, with a clear and calm conscience – said the general at the Belgrade airport at the time.

Ojdanic later said that he had not committed any crime, that he had a clear conscience and that he was sleeping peacefully. After returning from prison in Scheveningen, General Ojdanić was greeted at the Belgrade airport by the people of Užice and Zlatibor, friends and fans who also brought a trumpet orchestra to the reception.

In Scheveningen prison, the general wrote his biography, under the title “From the village of Ravni to The Hague.”

( Šaponjić)

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Author: delivery courier
