In May and November, 30 euros each for adults, another 50 euros for retirees.


Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić announced a package of economic measures worth 2.5 billion euros, including cash benefits for all adult citizens and minimum wages for the economy.

Vučić said on Serbian Radio and Television that all citizens will be able to apply for 30 euros in May, for the same amount in November, and retirees will receive another 50 in addition to those 60 euros.

He said that micro, small and medium-sized companies will receive three times 50 percent of the minimum wage, adding that there is a dilemma of applying the same measure to large companies. He said the money will begin to be paid on April 1.

Vučić announced that the transport sector would be paid 600 euros for each bus six times “so that they could survive, save their capital.” He announced that the State “would expand the guarantee scheme” by another 500 million euros, in order to preserve the liquidity of the economic sector.

Source: RTS

When asked where the money for these measures came from, Vučić replied that it was “Serbian money, from the Serbian treasury, from a serious Serbian state.”

He emphasized that due to this economic package, the state will have no problems and added that Serbia’s public debt will not exceed 61%.

“We keep everything under control, we will not leave the debts to the children, and it all depends on our growth,” he said.

“Almost 320,000 vaccinated citizens fight for each vaccine”

The president of Serbia says that as of tonight, 319,504 citizens have been vaccinated against the coronavirus.

Vučić said he is proud of that result and that basically only Great Britain is ahead of Serbia in terms of the number of vaccinated in Europe.

He added that Serbia has so far agreed to purchase 6.5 million vaccines, but the problem is that, as he said, there is currently no vaccine.

“10,000 Pfizer vaccines arrived yesterday, I won’t say where, because it would put those people in a difficult situation. The Chinese have friends older than us and we only get a million doses. We are trying to get Astrazenek and additional quantities of the Pfizer vaccine, and in the next six days I expect up to 50,000 doses of the Russian vaccine, “Vucic said.

He assessed that the “real war” of the governments of the world for the acquisition of vaccines is underway.

“In vain that we paid and agreed, the world hit the iceberg like the Titanic and the richest people set out to save themselves and us little ones, in the Western Balkans, you drown with the Titanic. This is a war for people’s lives, but also for the future of all countries, ”said the President of Serbia.

He added that the state entered the procedure for the acquisition of drugs against the coronavirus today.

“Germany ordered for 400 million euros, and I told Ana (Brnabić) and Zlatibor (Lončar) to ask for 40 million. We will be faster than the others, the Germans will get it in April, we will get it in May,” he said. Vučić.

He added that citizens who received the first dose can be sure that they will be revaccinated, even if, as he said, there is a delay in vaccination.

“Everyone will get a revaccination, people in Serbia can be sure that the state leaders will get the vaccines as quickly and best as possible, because we have many friends in the world.” “We spoke with Chen Bo today, I literally prayed and knowing President Xi, I think we will receive significant amounts of the vaccine before May or June, and there may be surprises in February,” Vucic said.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.

On the monument to Stefan Nemanja, the relationship with Montenegro

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić invited citizens to come and “see how beautiful Nemanja looks with the sword in hand that Serbia made” after the inauguration of the Stefan Nemanja monument in central Belgrade.

Previously, some opposition parties and personalities warned that the monument erected differs from the solution that won the contest, since in the final version Stefan Nemanja holds a sword in his hand, and not a cross that, they claimed, annoyed the Arab investors of the Belgrade Project on water.

When asked about the statement by Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic that Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic “has someone to meet” in Podgorica, Vucic said that Serbia’s goal is to have good relations with Montenegro. and that I would not comment on the rest.

“Serbia did not expel its ambassador, but it expelled ours, because it praised the battle of Mojkovac and the decision of the Grand National Assembly in Podgorica in 1918.” Montenegro is one of the countries closest to us and there is no philosophy there, and if we ever have to swallow it all, that’s our job, “Vucic said.
