“I’m sure he kidnapped me from a woman in labor.”


Violentina Tomić Ašković from Svilajnac decided to sue her mother Verica Aškovic from Vrnjačka Banja on suspicion that she stole him from the maternity hospital 42 years ago. Violentina claims that she has proof that she was abducted at birth and that Verica, who raised her, is not her biological mother?

With the preparatory hearing, yesterday began the trial in the Kraljevo High Court, which is the first case of its kind in the history of the Serbian judiciary! Violentina told the Informer that she believes the evidence will succeed in convincing the court that Verica is not her mother, which will be a significant step in revealing the missing babies issue, which has been shaking Serbia for years.

A non-existent woman

– As I know for myself, I know that Verica Askovic is not my real mother. I got to the first valid test only when I turned 18. I just grew up with a woman who didn’t love me. I was constantly abused, beaten, belittled, and humiliated at his home. I observed the attitude of other mothers towards their children, and even before going to school, I realized that many things are not going well with her and in my relationship. On the other hand, according to my three-year-old younger brother, who is his biological son, and how that maternal instinct was glimpsed. As I got older, the situation between her and me became more and more unbearable and it was easy for me not to look at myself as a daughter – says Violentina.

Violentina Tomić Ašković Photo: Violentina Tomić Ašković Facebook / Facebook

Violentina Tomić Ašković

He claims that once, while he was working out a plan on how to woo his mother and be her good daughter, somewhere before he came of age, for the first time in the newspaper, he came across a story about a family who suspected that the baby was taken to the maternity hospital and resold.

– That was the first time I asked my mother if she gave birth to me. There was hell, hysteria … – she says.

She says that she soon understood why her mother was behaving like this.

– When I turned 18, I told my mother that I wanted to get an ID card. She was very scared. He told me that I couldn’t do that and that I would never find out the truth. I packed up and went to the police without her knowing, and was about to unravel the tangle of our obviously dirty family secrets. I found out from the police that I do not have a birth certificate or citizenship, that I am a woman who does not grow up for them. I go to the municipality, they find me a half-filled birth certificate, where Verica and my dad are registered as my parents, but their identification numbers. No. It says my name on it, and in the place and date of birth and identification number “blank field”. I go home, I take out my health card and I see that there is no identification card either, then I see that this place is empty in my medical record, that I am enrolled in school without it – says Violentina.

DNA analysis

He says that at that time he tried to search from institution to institution that “found everything”, but now, due to the ongoing judicial process, he will not reveal any more details.

– I only ask my parents, especially now officially the mothers, to do a DNA analysis. For years he refuses, spits on me, belittles me, declares me crazy. I’m sure she kidnapped me from a woman who was told she died in childbirth, so I decided, if she didn’t want to do the DNA, the court would force her to do it. This is the only way to solve this agony, which I have been in since I know it for myself – Violentina said.

Missing Babies Commission: A Big Step

Radiša Pavlović, a member of the Government Commission for Missing Babies, whom Violentina asked for help, tried to attend the hearing at the Kraljevo High Court yesterday, but was prevented by the court guard.

– Violentina, fearing for her own safety, did not want to come to the hearings, she sent a lawyer, but she also asked me to come as support. However, they did not let me in. In any case, this appearance of Violentina is a great thing for Serbia, and especially for the parents who have been kidnapped and sold babies since the 1970s, and told that their children died at birth. If this woman proves that she is a victim of baby trafficking, this will be an important step in exposing this criminal organization, says Radiša.
