I’M GOING THROUGH HELL: The shocking words of Radovan’s wife, a suspect in Milovan’s murder near Osecina


Vesna S., the wife of Radovan S. (55) from Novi Sad, suspected of killing Milovan M. (52) from the village on Sunday, said this in a shaky voice, almost in a whisper, in a statement to “Novosti “. Gunjci near Osecina, in her family home.

What led Radovan to cross the road from Novi Sad to this town of Podgorski by car and fire two shots at Milovan after the fight, will be determined by the investigation that is being carried out before the High Prosecutor’s Office in Valjevo.

As announced, Milovana’s wife, daughter and mother should be heard in this Prosecutor’s Office today, and next week, as we learn, other witnesses, including Vesna S.

According to unofficial information, the wife of the Novi Sad suspect, with whom Milovan, as you can now hear, was obsessed with, was pursued and harassed with various messages. It is suspected that there were even messages of threatening content directed at her, but also at her relatives. Whether Milovan and Vesna were truly threatened and in what relationship they were will be determined by an expert examination of the cell phones and computers of the murdered man, the suspect and his wife.

While there is currently speculation and public speculation about the motive for the murder, it is certain that Radovan S. sat in his “Nissan” on Sunday and drove to the town of Gunjaci. He got there in the morning, stopped in front of Milovan’s house, where he found his wife. When asked where her husband was, his wife, unaware of the evil, led him to a room on the ground floor.

in the two men, a bitter argument allegedly ensued, raised voices were heard and then two shots were heard. Milovan’s wife found him dead in a pool of blood and the suspect left, but was soon arrested in downtown Osecina.

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