I will not be a minister in the new government


The Chairman of the Serbian Social Democratic Party (SDPS), Rasim Ljajic, said today that he will not be in the new Serbian government, but that his party will get a ministerial post.

Ljajic recalled that he said almost two years ago that he would not be in the new government, and then he repeated it in several statements and interviews.

“It would be frivolous to say, after all, that I was joking or changing my mind. I am neither. I abide by, because I am bound by the publicly spoken word and the promise I made. My party will get a ministerial position in the Government and a personal solution we are talking about within the party, “Ljajic told A1 television.

He says he wants to dedicate himself to strengthening the party’s infrastructure and preparing the SDPS for new elections when they occur.

“Only after those elections is there a real chance that he will be part of the future government again, of course if the election results allow it,” Ljajic concluded.


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Author: delivery courier
