I SAW HER HEAD, I THOUGHT IT WAS A DOLL: The confession of a fisherman from Ćuprija who found the body of a woman in Morava – this is not his first time!


This is what VM (33) says of Ćuprija, who found three bodies of his fellow citizens in the last six years. He was the first to find it in 2014 in the barn of the agricultural estate “Dobričevo”.

– When I came to work with a colleague, I went into one of the stables. We saw the head and at first we thought it was a doll. However, when we took a closer look, we saw that it was a human head. I called the police immediately. Later I found out that he was a fellow citizen of the SP (84), who was destroyed by dogs – says VM for “Novosti”.


EVERY DAY VM fishes near Morava for an hour or two, because it is her best vacation from work, but she says she did not see the body of a thirty-one-year-old, when it is said that she jumped into the river.

– My story is a bit suspicious, because the body would have to float somewhere. But, if I find it too, I will really stop fishing: our interlocutor is determined.

Two years later, while they were fishing together in the Morava, our interlocutor saw a large cable tied to a tree by the shore, and partially in the water. He wondered what it was and began to pull the cord. He pulled out the body of an older man. At the same time, he called the police, who conducted an investigation. Later he learned that he was a retiree, over 70 years old, who did not get along with his family and who committed suicide. A week ago he found the body of a woman nailed to a spirone, that is, the remains of a Turkish bridge that juts out over the Morava. Later he learned that he was a divorced woman who wanted to go abroad, but did not succeed. Not seeing a solution, she jumped to Morava.

– When I called the police for the third time and said that I had found the body again, they told me it was “talico”. I stayed at the station until half an hour after midnight. I cannot describe the feelings that overwhelmed me as I found those dead. The hardest thing for me was when I saw the dead man for the first time. It would be completely different if I saw someone jump into the Morava, because I would have a chance to save him – says VM

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