This is how Sreten Ivanović, father of Igor Ivanović (34), the operator who died when the aircraft “Piper 28” of the Belgrade company “STS aviation”, together with the pilot Irina P. (31), speaks on behalf of “Novosti”, devastated by pain. a Romanian citizen, crashed in Kozara on Thursday. Their bodies and the remains of the plane were found a day later by members of the Special Antiterrorist Unit (SAJ) of the RS Ministry of the Interior.
– That’s my middle son, I have two more. He was a wonderful son, he did this job for over 10 years and flew in from Lisičji Jarak Airport. We didn’t hear from each other because he was out in the field and we knew that when the job was done, he would come back as usual. We had a house in Bežanijska kosa, so they demolished it for us … Then we bought an apartment in Mirijevo, and from there we came here to build a house. Who should build it for now?
At the door of the family home, in Borča, both the mother and brother Ivica Ivanović, who is stunned by grief and incredulous that their Igor no longer exists, light a candle together with Sreten:
– We hope that everything appears from somewhere.

Photo: V. Danilov
And one of the neighbors testifies how valuable Igor was, even though he is not the oldest pillar of the family.
– He earned the most money, while the others do temporary jobs, salaried jobs. Igor was the only one with a stable income, he was a wonderful young worker.
Igor worked on the oral vaccination of foxes against rabies, for the Belgrade company “STS aviation”, which has been in this business for more than 10 years. The plane took off from Banja Luka, but due to thick fog, the signal was lost over Kozara. They should have returned in three days …
Due to the inaccessible terrain, police, members of the rescue services and locals combed the terrain for more than 24 hours. Unfortunately, Friday brought black news.
The bodies of the dead crew members of the “STS aviation” plane were removed from the crash site just on Saturday and transported to Banja Luka, the RS Institute of Forensic Medicine, for an autopsy. The cause of the plane crash remains a mystery. Since the “piper” does not have a “black box”, that could be an aggravating circumstance. Bojan Škorić, the head of the Gradiška Police Department, says that the police completed their part of the investigation on Saturday.
– The competent prosecutor ordered an autopsy to determine the exact cause of death. After that, your identification will be made – Škorić said. (OM)
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