Tag Archives: CANDLE

I LIGHT A CANDLE FOR MY IGOR, AND I THINK IT’S ALL COMING: A shocking confession from Sreten Ivanović, the father of a young man who died in a plane crash in Kozara

[ad_1] This is how Sreten Ivanović, father of Igor Ivanović (34), the operator who died when the aircraft “Piper 28” of the Belgrade company “STS aviation”, together with the pilot Irina P. (31), speaks on behalf of “Novosti”, devastated by pain. a Romanian citizen, crashed in Kozara on Thursday. Their …

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HOW WILL WE CELEBRATE THE CELEBRATIONS? In the family circle, from a distance, and epidemiologists explain why the CANDLE, THE LAMP AND THE TAIMAN MUST BE CONSTANTLY BURNING

[ad_1] In anticipation of the season of celebrations, which will be celebrated this fall and winter in specific circumstances due to the coronavirus epidemic, the profession’s recommendations are clear: baptism should be celebrated with respect to all epidemiological measures, with family and fewer guests. Epidemiologists constantly warn that the risk …

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