“I have an even greater desire that military service be compulsory again.”


Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic says he has an even greater desire to support the idea of ​​conscription.

Source: Tanjug

Print Screen: TV First

Print Screen: TV First

As he himself states, he defends that position when he sees what quasi-experts came up with the idea of ​​attacking the idea of ​​a strong and powerful army.

“The issue of considering the possibility of returning to compulsory military service in Serbia brought to light all those who attacked him immediately with zero arguments and obviously with only one wish: that Serbia has a weak army,” Stefanovic told Tanjug.

He believes that Serbia must have a strong army, as a guarantor of the stability of the state, an army that will be the pride and pride of his country.

“An army that has and deserves the support of the State, and that, unfortunately, it has not always had. I want and will fight with all my strength for that,” says the minister.

He stated that he never said that the decision was made to return to compulsory military service, but that this possibility must be considered in detail, argued and carefully, respecting the opinion of the citizens and the profession.

“But I guess the self-proclaimed marketing and political scientists in military and defense policy understand each other better than the military generals who dedicated their lives to defending the homeland. And just when I see all the quasi-experts who came up with the idea of ​​a strong and powerful army, I want to support the idea of ​​conscription, “said Stefanovic.

He said that the Serbian army is a pillar of the country’s defense and that it deserves the best.

“That is why I will never allow anyone to defend that the Serbian army is not strong, strong, modern, well equipped and well paid,” Minister Stefanović concluded.
