“I gave the car to my cousin’s boyfriend, he ran away after the murder”


Bojan Mirkovic, suspected of complicity in the murder, has been persecuted since the beginning of November, and then LT (22) fired more than eight shots at him. Mirkovic died of his injuries in a garage in the Belleville neighborhood of New Belgrade.

As “Blic” learns, the arrested suspect IN (39) defended himself at the hearing in silence, while BK (37) presented his defense.

As we discovered unofficially, he told how he borrowed his “Audi Q8” car from his cousin’s boyfriend.

Arrest of suspect LT

Arrest of suspect LT

– BK claimed that he gave that young man a car to drive, after which he saw an electric bicycle in the trunk. As he pointed out, the young man is in his early twenties and the last time she heard from him was that he went to Zlatibor. Then his trail was lost – says a “Blic” source familiar with the case.

Murder in Belleville

Photo: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

Murder in Belleville

As our interlocutor adds, the suspects, as determined by the investigation, had two tasks: one to monitor and the other to acquire a device to monitor Bojan Mirković. A third person, whose identity has not been established, fired fatal shots.

It is suspected that the suspects followed Mirković from the beginning of November until the day of his execution, 12 November, with the help of a special device to locate his movement. And then on the fateful day, arrested last night, LT fired eight shots at him with a silenced pistol.

LT was arrested last night when the police intercepted the car he was in. Somewhat later, the police found in the bushes an electric bicycle with which LT is suspected of escaping from the crime scene.

Let us remind you that Bojan Mirković was assassinated on the afternoon of November 12.

His murder was also recorded by cameras in the garage of a building in the Belleville neighborhood. With the help of the video, the attackers’ movement was reconstructed to some extent.

He went out to buy food, then they killed him

Markovic, believed to be close to the “scalp clan,” went shopping for food. He reached the underground garage, where he saw his attacker and ran toward the apartment building and the elevator. However, the killer caught up with him and shot him in the same elevator entrance to the underground garage.

Most likely, the silencer is the reason that none of the neighbors knew what happened and did not hear the shot.

– It was a kid who kept coming home with bags from the store. He really looked like a family man, Mirkovic’s neighbors told “Blic” on the day of his murder.

In addition to the scalping clan, Mirković is also related to the murdered Aleksandar Šarc, who was a member of the international gang of thieves “Pink Panthers”. It is alleged that Mirković, together with him, acquired vehicles for liquidation and handled logistics in connection with the murders organized by the murdered Damir Hadžić and the missing Lazar Vukićević.

Detainees and helpers

On Sunday evening, the Belgrade High Court ordered the detention of up to 30 days for those suspected of complicity in the murder of Bojan Mirković (34) IN (39) and BK (37).

They were placed in preventive custody for all legal reasons, for the danger of flight, not to influence the witnesses, not to repeat the crime, as well as for public harassment.

After the alleged direct perpetrator of LT’s murder was arrested (22), the police arrested three more people, suspected of having helped LT cross into Bosnia and Herzegovina.
