This government is probably a government made in the most difficult world and, therefore, for us, in the most difficult circumstances since the wars of the 1990s. With that in mind, his main task is to get through the difficult period with as little damage as possible to Serbian society and economy, says Aleksandar Šapić, president of the Serbian Patriotic Union (Spas) and president of the New Belgrade municipality.
In an interview for Kurir, for the first time, he speaks quite honestly about the cooperation with the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić, about former associates, but also about what he lacks during the lifestyle change due to the coronavirus.
The new government has a limited term until spring 2022. How long is it possible for this team to show its skills in that year and a half?
– It will not be easy at all and that is why he is in a huge temptation. On top of all that, there are some political parties and individuals who, even in such difficult circumstances, cannot break away from politicking and win small political points, even if it endangers our entire society. It is as if the same government, for which they fight so much, would one day be exercised in some other society, and not in the same one that they are consciously threatening today.
Among the new ministers is the representative of Spas, Ratko Dmitrović, who is in charge of family care and demographics. Are you satisfied with how the cooperation with SNS started?
– We try to work, where we have the opportunity, the best that we know and can. So far, I have no objections to cooperation with the SNS.

There will be new elections in a year and a half. Will you run for president, mayor …? What are your ambitions in this regard?
– I have always advocated recommending people for the places where they have the greatest powers. Objectively, I have the best knowledge, experience and results of local politics. Also, politics can be unpredictable at times, so I wouldn’t explicitly answer this question, but I certainly think I could give my best as the mayor of Belgrade, if people trusted me for that.
Part of the opposition that boycotted the elections is now changing its mind. Dveri’s boss, Boško Obradović, was the first to say publicly that “this is no longer a boycott.” What do you think about that?
– I would not enter into anyone’s decisions. An election boycott is a legitimate political decision that always has consequences. A part of the parties decided not to go to the last elections, if they will do the same again or will come out now, you have to see with them why they want now and did not want before.

He often meets with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić. How is your cooperation?
– I didn’t know Vučić before. In the meantime, we got to know each other better, we talked a lot about various things and started to cooperate politically. I can freely say that our relationship, which is not a very common case in this business, is beginning to have clear traces of friendship. He is a man who showed me great respect for my work, and neither he nor his party received anything from me. I never gave them anything either, unlike many to whom I gave my best at one point, and they didn’t appreciate it in the least. And not only that. They sought to belittle me, ridicule me or discredit me in every perfidious way possible. Of course, always covert and insidious.
In what sense?
– Insidious, because when they have the opportunity to do it face to face, then their courage is not exactly their strong point. Well, I never forget those things. As people I least expected, and showed me great respect, even less people to whom I gave everything I had in a moment, and “as a token of gratitude” they watched for years how to disqualify and humiliate me. When in the end they did not achieve what they imagined, then they decided to get angry with me, thinking that I would be afraid of them. It would be better for them to be angry with themselves, but it would be a little more difficult, because they believe that they are the most intelligent, that God gave them for everything in this world and that everything is allowed.
Who do you mean?
– If I wanted to say names, I’d say them. It is known where I have been and with whom I have collaborated.
The president praised him, what would he say about him? Has your mind changed now that you are cooperating more closely?
– Of course, I change my opinion about the man I know now, and before I did not know him personally. If I told you that a friendly relationship is developing between us, which is rarely the case in politics, I think that says enough about what I think about it.

Life in a pandemic
I miss the closeness between people
We have been living in a pandemic for more than nine months, how much have your habits changed and what do you miss the most?
– By the way, I’m not one who frequents public places. If I am not at work or at home, I am mostly in the pool and I enjoy working with children, water polo players. I miss the closeness between people, which is disappearing terribly fast, and I hope that this accident will pass as soon as possible, because if it lasts, I am afraid that the world will change sociologically so much that it will never return to the level it was at.

Are new measures expected for the New Year from crisis personnel every day? What do you think is the smart thing to decide?
If you had the knowledge and experience in that area, you would be part of the crisis headquarters. These people have taken on the great responsibility of making decisions in a situation where there is no one in the world who knows exactly what to do and what measures are the best, and that all aspects of society are threatened as little as possible, of course, considering health as a priority. I see that many are attacking them, and no one wants to admit that there is no country or headquarters in the world that has always taken the right measures, because kovid is unknown to everyone, including us. It took a lot of courage and responsibility to accept such a task, because as far as I know, the invitation from the state was sent out to all who are experts to join, so some decided to step aside and criticize, and not go in and take the responsibility. for tough decisions. I think the least we can do is support them and not hinder decision-making in circumstances that are already extremely difficult, because these people are the best that Serbia has.
Kurir.rs/ Silvija Slamnig

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